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1571-2 (D. A. 541, m. 137).

27 Dec. 'Lawrence Dutton and his £6 13s. 4d. 5 Jan. (W.); D. viii. 61 F. 144. 'Lady Barbara showen
          fellowes.'[1] (12 Jan.). on Saint Iohns day at nighte
                                                                                                             by Sir Robert Lanes Men.'

28 Dec. 'Sebastian Westcott M^r of the £6 13s. 4d. 9 Jan. (W.); D. viii. 62 'Effiginia A Tragedye showen
          Children of Powles.' (12 Jan.). on the Innosentes daie at
                                                                                                              nighte by the Children of

1 Jan. 'Richard Farrant gent M^r of £6 13s. 4d. 5 Jan. (W.); D. viii. 62 'Aiax and vlisses showen on
          the Children of Windsor.' (12 Jan.). New Yeares daie at nighte by
                                                                                                              the Children of Wynsor.'

6 Jan. 'Willm̄ Hunnys M^r of the £6 13s. 4d. N.D.; D. viii. 62 (12 'Narcisses showen on Twelfe
          childer of the Chappell.' Jan., 'John' Hunnis). daye at Nighte by the Children
                                                                                                              of the Chappell.'

17 Feb. 'John Greaves and Thomas £13 6s. 8d. 26 Feb. (W.); D. viii. 'Cloridon and Radiamanta
          Goughe servauntes to Sr 71 (29 Feb.). showen on Shrove sundaye at
          Robt. Lane Knighte.'[2] Nighte by Sir Robert Lanes

19 Feb. 'John Billingesley.'[3] £13 6s. 8d. 22 Feb. (W.); D. viii 'Paris and Vienna showen on
                                                                                   71 (29 Feb.). Shrovetewsdaie at Nighte by
                                                                                                              the Children of Westminster.'

1572-3 (D. A. 541, m. 150).

Xmas 'Therle of Leic. players.' £30, 'videlt. for eūye 1 Jan. (H.). F. 174. Scattered entries refer
(3 plays). playe vj^l xiij^s iiij^d to all these companies except
                                          and for a more rewarde Sussex's and to—
                                          by hir Ma^{tes} 'the play of Cariclia',
                                          owne comaundem^t 'Theagines',
                                          x^l In all xxx^l.' 'the picture of Andromadas',
                                                                                                               'the monster',
                                                                                                               'the playe of fortune'.