Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/159

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howse, Gobbyns howse, Orestioes
howse Rome, the Pallace
of prosperitie Scotlande and a
gret Castell one thothere side.'[1]

F. 123. 'Revelles vppon Shrovesonday
and Shroftuisday at

1568-9 (D. A. 541, m. 113).

26 Dec. 'the Lorde Riches players.' £6 13s. 4d. 28 Dec. (H.); C. xxix.

1 Jan. 'Sebastian Westecote m^r of £6 13s. 4d. 2 Jan.; C. xxix.
          the Children of Powles.'

22 Feb. 'Richard Ferraunte Scole m^r £6 13s. 4d. 25 Feb. (W.); C. xxix.
           of the Children of Windesore.'

1569-70 (D. A. 541, m. 115).

27 Dec. 'Richarde Ferrante Scholem^r £6 13s. 4d. 2 Jan. (Wi.); C. xxix.
           to the Children of Windesore.'

6 Jan. 'Willm Hun̄ys m^r of the children £6 13s. 4d. 7 Jan. (Wi.); C. xxix.
           of her ma^{tes} Chappell.'

5 Feb. 'the Lorde Riches playo^{res}.' £6 13s. 4d. 7 Feb. (H.); C. xxix.

1570-1 (D. A. 541, m. 127).

28 Dec. 'Sebastian Westecote M^r of £6 13s. 4d. 22 Feb.
           the Children of Powles.'

Shrovetide 'Willm̄ Honnyes, Richarde £20 28 Feb.
(25-7 Feb.) Farraunte and Sebastian
(3 plays). Westcote M^{rs} of the Children
              of the Q ma^{tes} Chapple Royall
              Windsore and Powles.'

  1. Apparently one play was unrewarded.