Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/171

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16 Feb. 'the saide L. Chamberlaynes £10. 23 Feb. (W.); D. xi. F. 321. 'The history of Serpedon
              players.' 398. . . . on Shrovetwesdaye . . . by
                                                                                  the lord Chamberleyns seruauntes.'
14 Feb. 'the players of the Erle of £10. 23 Feb. (W.); D. xi. F. 321. 'The history of the
              Derbye.' 398. Soldan and the Duke of ——
                                                                                  . . . on Shrovesondaye . . . by
                                                                                  the Earle of Derby his seruauntes.'
                                                                                 [F. 326. 'Examynynge and rehersinge
                                                                                  of dyuers plaies and
                                                                                  choise makinge of x of them to
                                                                                  be showen before her Maiestie.'
                                                                                  In addition to the 8 above were
                                                                                  the tumbling and
                                                                                 F. 320. 'A historye of ——
                                                                                  provided to haue bene shewen
                                                                                  . . . on Innocentes daie . . . by
                                                                                  the Earle of Leicesters seruauntes
                                                                                  being in readynes in
                                                                                  the place to haue enacted the
                                                                                  same. . . . But the Queenes
                                                                                  Maiestie coulde not come forth
                                                                                  to heare the same/therefore
                                                                                  put of.']

1580-1 (D. A. 542, m. 21).

27 Dec. 'Therle of Sussex srauntes.' £10. 14 Jan. (W.); D. xii. F. 336. 'The Earle of Sussex
                                                       321 (30 Jan.). men. A storie of —— . . . on
                                                                                  S^t Iohns daie.'
1 Jan. 'Therle of Darbyes players.' £10. 20 Jan. (W.); D. xii. F. 336. 'The Earle of Derbies
                                                       321 (30 Jan.). men. A storie of —— . . . on
                                                                                  newe yeres daye.'