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6 Jan.[1] 'Sebastian Wastcote m^r of £10. 18 Jan. (W.); D. xii. F. 336. 'The children of Pawles.
              the children of Powles.' 321 (30 Jan.). A storie of Pompey . . . on
                                                                                    twelf nighte.'
2 Feb. 'the Lorde Chamblaynes £10. 13 Feb. (W.); D. xii. F. 336. 'The earle of Sussex
              players.' 330 (14 Feb.). men. A storie of —— . . . on
                                                                                    Candlemas daie.'
5 Feb. (W.) 'the M^r of the Children of the £10. 14 Feb. (W.); D. xii. F. 336. 'The children of the
              Chappell.' 330. Quenes maiesties chappell. A
                                                                                    storie of —— . . . on shrove-*sondaie.'
7 Feb. 'Therle of Leiscesters players.' £10. 14 Jan. (W.); D. xii. F. 336. 'The Earle of Leicesters
                                                         330 (14 Feb.). men. A storie of —— . . . on
26 Dec. 'to them [Leicester's] more.' £10. 14 Jan. (W.); D. xii. F. 336. 'The Earle of Leicesters
                                                         321 (30 Jan.). men. A Comodie called delighte
                                                                                    . . . on St Stephens daie.'

1581-2 (D. A. 542, mm. 32-3; Harl. MS. 1644, ff. 78^v, 80^v, 81^v).

26 Dec. 'the M^r of the Children of £10. 14 Apr. (W.); D. xiii. F. 345. Table II, 'v playes'.
           Powles.' 393 (G.).
28 Dec. 'the Servauntes of the Lorde £10. 21 Jan. (W.); D. xiii.
           Straunge . . . for certen 311.
           feates of activitie shewed her
31 Dec. } 'the M^r of the Children of her £20. 1 Apr. (G.); D. xiii.
27 Feb. } ma^{tes} Chappell.' 374.

1582-3 (D. A. 542, mm. 44-5).

26 Dec. (Wi.) 'William Hunnys the m^r of £10. 17 Feb. (R.). F. 349. 'A Comodie or Morrall
               the children of the chappell.' devised on A game of the
                                                                                 Cardes . . . on St Stephens
                                                                                 daie . . . by the Children of her
                                                                                 maiesties Chapple.'