Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/183

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  • lie in or neere London by
               reason of greate perill that
               might growe through the
               extraordinary concourse and
               assemble of people to a newe
               increase of the plague till it
               shall please God to settle the
               cittie in a more p'fecte health
               by way of his ma^{ties} free
2 Feb. (K.) } 'John Hemynges one of his         £20.      29 Feb. (W.); C. xxxvi.

19 Feb. (K.) } ma^{tes} players.'

20 Feb. (K.) 'Edward Jubie to the use of £10. 17 Apr. (W.); C. xxxvii.

               himselfe and the rest of his
               company servauntes to the

20 Feb. (K.) 'Edward Pearce m^r of the £10. 17 Apr. (W.).

               children of Powles.'

21 Feb. (K.) 'Edward Kircham m^r of the £10. 30 Apr. (W.); C. xxxvii.

               children of the Queenes Ma^{tes}
               [Apparelling Charges]
              'To Augustine Phillippes and
               John Hemynges for thallowaunce
               of themselves and
               tenne of theire ffellowes his
               ma^{tes} groomes of the chamber,
               and Players for waytinge
               and attendinge on his
               ma^{tes} service by com̃aundemente
               vppon the Spanishe
               Embassador at Som'sette