Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/184

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howse the space of xviij
dayes viz^d from the ix^{th} day
of Auguste 1604 vntill the
xxvij^{th} day of the same as
appeareth by a bill thereof
signed by the Lord Chamblayne.
xxj^{ll}. xij^s.'

'To Thomas Greene for thallowaunce
of hymselfe and
tenne of his ffelowes groomes
of the chamber and the
Queenes Players for waytinge
and attendinge vppon
Countye Arrenbergh and the
reste of the comyssioners at
Durham howse by com̃aundmente
the space of eighteene
dayes viz^d from the ix^{th} of
Auguste 1604 vntill the
xxvij^{th} of the same as appeareth
by a bill thereof signed
by the Lord Chamberlayne.
xix^{ll}, xvj^s.'