Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/189

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— (K. H. } 'Thomas Greene one of the £50. 5 Apr.
  5 plays) } Queenes Ma^{tes} plaiers.'

— (K. H. } 'Edwarde Jubye one of the £30. 5 Apr.; C. xxxix.
  3 plays) } Princes Players.'

Xmas. (K. 2 'Robte Keyser . . . for . . . £20. 10 Mar. (W.).
      plays) plaies . . . by the Children of
                 the blackfriers.'

4 Jan. (H.) 'the same Robte Keyser . . . £10. 10 Mar.
                 for one play presented by the
                 Children of the blackfriers
                 before his highnes in the
                 Cockpitt at Whitehall.'

— — 'John Hemynges one of his £40. 26 Apr.; C. xxxix.
                 ma^{tes} plaiers . . . by way of
                 his ma^{tes} rewarde for their
                 private practise in the time
                 of infecc̄on that thereby
                 they mighte be inhabled to
                 performe their service before
                 his Ma^{tie} in Christmas hollidaies

1609-10 (D. A. 543, mm. 233-5).

'before xpmas (K. Q. 'John Heminges one £130 2 Mar. (W.).
and in the H. C. of the Kinges Ma^{tes}
tyme of the E. 13 players.'
holidayes plays)
and afterwardes.'

— (K. H. 'Roberte Keysar . . . in the £50. 10 May (W.).
 5 plays) behalfe of himselfe and the
                 reste of the Children of the