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27 Dec. (K.) 'Thomas Greene one of the £10. 31 Mar. (W.).
                 Queene Ma^{tes} players.'

26 Dec. (K.) }
28 Dec. (K.) } 'Edwarde Jubye one of the £40. 10 Mar. (W.).
 7 Jan. (K.) } Princes Players.'
18 Jan. (K.) }

 9 Feb. (C. E.) 'the sayd William Rowley.' £6 13s. 4d. 20 Jan. 1613; C. xlii.

— — 'John Heminges . . . for himselfe £30. 10 Mar.; C. xl.
                 and the reste of his companie
                 beinge restrayned from
                 publique playinge w^{th}in the
                 citie of London in the tyme
                 of infecc̄on duringe the space
                 of sixe weekes in which tyme
                 they practised pryvately for
                 his ma^{tes} service.'

1610-11 (D. A. 543, mm. 249, 250, 267; Bodl. Rawlinson MS. A. 204).

— (K. Q. H. 'John Hemynges one of the £150. 12 Feb.; C. xl.
15 plays) Kinges players.'

10 Dec. (H. } 'Thomas Greene one of the £30. 18 Mar.; C. xl.
 3 plays) } Quenes players . . . for three
27 Dec. (K.) } seuerall playes before the
                 Kinges Ma^{tie} and the prince'
                 (D. A.); 'for presentinge
                 three severall playes before
                 the princes highnes vppon
                 the x^{th} of Decemb: and S^t
                 Johns daye at night 1610
                 before the Kinges Ma^{tie}'
                 (Rawl. MS.).