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divers cutt-purses and other lewde and ill disposed persons in greate multitudes doe resorte thither at th'end of euerye playe, many tymes causinge tumultes and outrages wherebye His Majesties peace is often broke and much mischiefe like to ensue thereby, Itt was hereuppon expresselye commaunded and ordered by the Justices of the said benche, That all Actors of euerye playhouse within this cittye and liberties thereof and in the Countye of Middlesex that they and euerie of them utterlye abolishe all Jigges Rymes and Daunces after their playes, And not to tollerate permitt or suffer anye of them to be used vpon payne of ymprisonment and puttinge downe and suppressinge of theire playes, And such further punishment to be inflicted upon them as their offences shall deserve, And that if any outrage tumult or like disorder as aforesaid should be committed or done, that then the partyes so offending should forthwith be apprehended and punished accordinge to their demeritt. For the better suppressinge of which abuses and outrages, These are to will and require you and in His Majesties name streightelye to charge and commaunde you that you diligently and stryctlye looke vnto the performaunce of the same order, And that if either the players do persiste and contynewe their sayd Jigges daunces or songes as aforesayd or any disordered persons doe committ or attempt any violence or outrage in or about the sayd playe-houses, That then you apprehend all and euerie such person of either kind so offendinge and forthwith bringe them before me or some other of his Majesties Justices of Peace to answeare their contemptes and further to be dealt [with] as to Justice shall appertayne.—By the Court. S. P. Reg.


[1612, Nov. 8. The Privy Council to the Lord Mayor, printed M. S. C. i. 88, from Remembrancia, iii. 64.]

From the Lordes, for the suppressinge of Stage plaies, Bearebaytinges and idle shewes, vpon the death of Prince Henry. After our very hartie Commendacions to your Lordshipp. Whereas it hath pleased the Almightie God to take awaie the most Noble and Worthie Prince of Wales, to the exceedinge greate sorrowe and Greef, aswell of theire Maiesties, as of all theire deere and lovinge Subiectes. And that these tymes doe not suite with such playes and idle shewes, as are daily to be seene in and neere the cittie of London, to the scandall of Order and good governement at all occasions when they are most tollerable. As wee haue allreadie addressed lettres to the Iustices of peace of Middlesex and Surrey for the suppressinge of any playes or shewes whatsoever within those Counties, soe wee doe hereby require your Lpp. to take speedie and speciall order for the prohibitinge of all Playes, shewes, Bearebaytinges, or any other such sighte, within that cittie and liberties thereof, and vtterlie to restraine the vse and exercise thereof, vntill you shall receave further order from vs. And if you shall finde anie person offendinge therein, to commytt him or them to Prison without favour