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or connyvauncie, and to acquainte vs therewith. And soe wee bidd your Lordshipp Hartelie farewell. From Whitehall the viijth of November, 1612.

Your Lps. verie loving Frindes,

T. Ellesmore Cancellarius. H: Northampton: T. Suffolk:
E. Wotton: Stanhop.


[1613, Jan. 11. Patent for the Elector Palatine's men; cf. Bk. iii, and text in M. S. C. i. 275.]

Gives authority to perform plays at the Fortune and in convenient places in towns elsewhere, with proviso saving the authority, power, privileges and profits of the Master of the Revels.


[1613, July 13. Extract by Sir Henry Herbert from an office-book of Sir George Buck, printed in Variorum, iii. 52, and Adams, Herbert 42.]

For a license to erect a new play-house in the White-friers, &c. £20.


[1615, March 29. Minute of Privy Council, printed from Register in M. S. C. i. 372; also in Collier, i. 380.]

A warrant to John Sentie one of the Messingers. Whereas John Hemminges, Richard Burbidge, Christopher Beeston, Robert Lee, William Rowley, John Newton, Thomas Downton, Humphry Ieffs with others Stageplayers in and about the Citty of London have presumed notwithstanding the commaundement of the Lord Chamberlayne signified vnto them by the Master of the Revells to play this prohibited time of Lent. Theese are therefore to will and commaund yowe to make your repayre vnto the persons abouenamed, and to charge them in his Maiesties name to make their appearance heere before vs of his Maiesties Privie Councell on ffriday next at 8 of the Clocke in the forenoone without any excuse or delay. And in the meane time that neither they, nor the rest of their Company presume to present any Playes or interludes, as they will answere the contrary at their perills.


[1615, June 3. Patent for erection of Porter's Hall; cf. text in Bk. iv.]

Gives authority to the patentees of the Queen's Revels to build a play-house for the Queen's Revels, at Porter's Hall in Blackfriars, and for the performance of plays by the Queen's Revels, Prince Charles's men, and the Lady Elizabeth's men therein.