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a severall exemplification or duplicate of his maiesties Letters patente graunted to the whole Company and by vertue therof they severally in two Companies with vagabonds and such like idle persons, haue and doe vse and exercise the quallitie of playinge in diuerse places of this Realme to the great abuse and wronge of his Maiesties Subjects in generall and contrary to the true intent and meaninge of his Maiestie to the said Company And whereas William Perrie haueinge likewise gotten a warrant whereby he and a certaine Company of idle persons with him doe travel and play under the name and title of the Children of his Maiesties Revels, to the great abuse of his Maiesties service And whereas also Gilberte Reason one of the prince his highnes Playours hauing likewise separated himselfe from his Company hath also taken forth another exemplification or duplicate of the patent granted to that Company and liues in the same kinde & abuse And likewise one Charles Marshall, Homfry Jeffes and William Parr: three of Prince Palatynes Company of Playours haveinge also taken forthe an exemplification or duplicate of the patent graunted to the said Company and by vertue thereof liue after the like kinde and abuse Wherefore to the [end that] such idle persons may not be suffered to continewe in this course of life These are therefore to pray, and neatheless in his Maiesties name to will and require you vpon notice giuen of aine of the said persons by the bearer herof Joseph More whome I haue speciallye directed for that purpose that you call the said parties offendours before you and therevpon take the said seuerall exemplifications or duplicats or other ther warrants by which they vse ther said quallitie from them, And forthwith to send the same to me And also that you take goode and sufficient bonds of any of them to appeare before me at Whitehall at a fixt daye to answeare ther said contempte and abuses whereof I desire you not to fayle And these shalbe your sufficient warrant in that behalfe Dated at the Courte at Theobalds this 16th day of July in the fowertenth yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie of England ffrance and Irelande and of Scotland the nine and fortieth 1616.


To all Justices of peace Maiours Sheriffs Baliffs Constables and other his Maiesties officers to whome it may appertayne.


[1616, Oct. 4. Abstract of entries in Process Book for General Sessions of the Peace for Middlesex, printed by J. C. Jeaffreson, Middlesex County Records, ii. 235.]

Amongst memoranda of process against a large number of persons, charged with neglecting to work or contribute for the repair of the highways, appears this memorandum, touching the Red Bull theatre, 'Christofer Beeston and the rest of the players of the Redd Bull are behinde five pounds, being taxed by the bench 40s. the yeare by theire owne consentes'.