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[1615, July 13. Patent for the Children of the Queen's Chamber of Bristol; cf. text in Bk. iii.]

Gives authority for the performance of plays in houses in Bristol and in convenient places in towns elsewhere, with proviso saving the authority, power, privilege and profit of the Master of the Revels.


[1615, Sept. 26. Minute of Privy Council, printed from Register in M. S. C. i. 372; also in Chalmers, 463; Variorum, iii. 493.]

Ordered at the Sessions next before. Whereas Complaint was made to this Boarde by the Lord Mayour and Aldermen of the Cittie of London That one Rosseter, and others havinge obtayned lycense vnder the great Seale of Englande for the buildinge of a Play house haue pulled downe a great Messuage in Puddle wharfe, which was sometimes the house of the Ladie Sanders within the Precinct of the Blackfryers, are now erectinge a Newe Playhouse in that place, to the great prejudice and inconvenience of the Gouerment of that Cittie: Their Lordships thought fitt to send for Rosseter to bringe in his Lettres Patentes, which beinge seene, and pervsed by the Lord Chief Iustice of Englande fforasmuch as the Inconveniences vrged by the Lord Mayour and Aldermen were many, and of some consequence to their Goverment. And specially for that the said Play house would adioyne soe neere vnto the Church in Blackfryers, as it would disturbe, and interrupt the Congregacion at divine Service vpon the weeke dayes: And that the Lord Chiefe Iustice did deliver to their Lordships, That the Lycence graunted to the said Rosseter did extende to the buildinge of a Playhouse without the liberties of London, and not within the Cittie. It was this day ordered by their Lordships, That there shalbe noe Play house erected in that place, And that the Lord Mayour of London shall straitly prohibit, and forbidd the said Rosseter and the rest of the Patentees, and their workemen to proceede in the makeinge, and convertinge the said Buildinge into a Play house: And if any of the Patentees or their workemen shall proceede in their intended buildinge contrary to this their Lordships Inhibicion, that then the Lord Mayour shall committ him or them soe offendinge, vnto Prison and certefie their Lordships of their contempt in that behalfe. Of which their Lordships order the said Rosseter, and the rest are to take notice, and conforme themselves accordingly as they will aunsweare to the contrary at their perrilles.


[1616, July 16. Warrant by William Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain, printed by Murray, ii. 343, from copy recorded in Mayor's Court Books of Norwich.]

Whereas Thomas Swynnerton and Martin Slaughter beinge two of the Queens Maiesties company of Playors hauinge separated themselves from their said Company, have each of them taken forth