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Philotas (Daniel), i. 326; iii. 150, 275.

'Philotas' (Lateware), iii. 275.

Philotus, iv. 41.

'Phocas', ii. 144, 167.

Phoenissae, iii. 321. Phoenix, iii. 143, 439; iv. 118. Phormio, ii. 11; iii. 20. Phormio (tr.), iii. 236.

'Phyllida and Corin', ii. 106; iv. 101, 160.

Physiponomachia, iv. 377.

'Pierce of Exton', ii. 167.

'Pierce of Winchester', ii. 169.

Pinner of Wakefield. See George a Greene. 'Plays and Pastimes', i. 257; ii. 394; iv. 217. Pleasant Dialogues and Dramas, ii. 448; iii. 346.

Poetaster, i. 380-1, 384; ii. 43; iii. 146, 293, 364, 430; iv. 21, 372. Polyhymnia (tilt), i. 145; iii. 402.

'Pompey', ii. 15, 394; iv. 97, 158.

'Pontius Pilate', ii. 168, 180.

Poor Man's Comfort, iii. 271.

'Poor Man's Paradise', ii. 173.

'Pope Joan', ii. 122.

Porcie, iii. 397. 'Portio and Demorantes', ii. 93; iv. 97, 156. 'Practice of Parasites', iv. 206. 'Praise at Parting', iv. 214. 'Predor and Lucia', ii. 88; iv. 89, 147. 'Pretestus', ii. 97; iv. 91, 149. Prince Henry's Barriers, iii. 393.

Princely Pleasures at Kenilworth. See Kenilworth Entertainment. Prodigal Child (fr.), iii. 445. 'Prodigality', iv. 26, 84, 144. 'Progne', i. 129; iii. 239. Progne, iii. 239. Progress of James I from Scotland, iv. 68.

Promos and Cassandra, iii. 29, 512; iv. 201. Prophetae, i. 241. Prophetess, iii. 298. Proteus (mask). See Gesta Grayorum. 'Proud Maid's Tragedy', iii. 441; iv. 126, 178. Psyche et Filii ejus, iv. 377.

'Ptolome', ii. 380; iv. 204.

Puritan, i. 262; iii. 143; iv. 41, 249.

Pyrame et Thisbée, iii. 16-17.

Pyramo und Thisbe, ii. 283.

'Pythagoras', ii. 144, 167.


'Queen', iv. 402.

'Queen of Ethiopia', ii. 135.

Queens (mask), i. 173; iii. 382; iv. 123. Queen's Arcadia, i. 131; iii. 227, 276, 373. 'Quintus Fabius', ii. 63; iv. 89, 148. R Ralph Roister Doister, ii. 14, 70, 74; iii. 27; iv. 188. Ram Alley, iii. 215; iv. 16. 'Randulf Earl of Chester', ii. 180; iii. 446. 'Ranger's Comedy', ii. 96, 114, 140, 146. Rape of Lucrece, iii. 343; iv. 126, 178. 'Rape of the Second Helen', ii. 93; iv. 96, 154. Rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune. See Love and Fortune. 'Raymond Duke of Lyons', ii. 248; iv. 127, 181. 'Re Vera', iii. 476. 'Red Knight', ii. 93. Reich Mann und arme Lazarus, ii. 281, 286. Rencontre, iii. 13. Revenge for a Father. See Hoffman. Revenge for Honour, iii. 260. Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois, iii. 258.

Revenger's Tragedy, iv. 42, 45. 1 Richard II (c. 1592), iv. 42.

Richard II, i. 220, 325; ii. 194, 204, 270; iii. 484; iv. 43, 246. 'Richard II' (1611), ii. 216. 'Richard III' (Rowley), iii. 472. Richard III (Shakespeare), ii. 95, 130, 202, 448; iii. 481; iv. 44, 246. Richard III. See True Tragedy. 'Richard Crookback', ii. 179. Richard Duke of York. See Contention of York and Lancaster. 'Richard the Confessor', ii. 95. 'Richard Whittington', ii. 189; iv. 402.

Richardus Tertius, iii. 408; iv. 238, 246. Rivales, i. 129, 251; iii. 319.

Roaring Girl, ii. 439; iii. 296; iv. 254.

Robert Laneham's Letter. See Kenilworth Entertainment.

'Robert II, or, The Scot's Tragedy', ii. 171.