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'Robin Goodfellow', iii. 279.

'Robin Goodfellow' (forgery), iii. 267.

1, 2 Robin Hood, ii. 6; iii. 446.

Robin Hood (May game), iv. 44.

'Robin Hood and Little John', iii. 447; iv. 402.

'Robin Hood's Pennyworths', ii. 178.

'Roderick', ii. 133.

Romeo and Juliet, ii. 194, 196, 203, 283, 286, 403; iii. 51, 58, 59, 66, 83, 94, 98, 99, 200, 483; iv. 246. Romeus et Julietta, iv. 378.

Roxana, ii. 519; iii. 208.

Royal King and Loyal Subject, iii. 341.

'Royal Widow of England', ii. 46.

Ruff, Cuff and Band, iv. 44.

'Rufus I', iv. 403.

Running Stream Entertainment, iii. 443.

Rycote Entertainment, iv. 66.


'Sackful of News', ii. 444; iv. 403.

Sad Shepherd (fr.), iii. 374.

S. Albanus Protomartyr. See Britanniae Primitiae. 'Samson' (1567), ii. 380. 'Samson' (1602), ii. 180, 367. 'Samson' (c. 1607), iii. 120. Sapho and Phao, ii. 17, 39; iii. 33, 414; iv. 100. Sapientia Solomonis, ii. 74; iv. 378.

'Sarpedon', ii. 93; iv. 97, 157.

Satiromastix, i. 381; iii. 141, 253, 293, 353, 364-6; iv. 21, 40, 47. Saturnalia. See Christmas Prince. Satyr. See Althorp Entertainment. 'Scipio Africanus', ii. 15; iv. 97, 156. 'Scogan and Skelton', ii. 178. Scornful Lady, iii. 229; iv. 371. 'Scot's Tragedy'. See Robert II. Scourge of Simony. See Parnassus. Scyros, i. 131; iii. 238; iv. 127. Sea Feast. See Aphrodysial. 'Sebastian of Portugal', ii. 178. Second Maiden's Tragedy, i. 321; iii. 224; iv. 45.

Sejanus, i. 327; iii. 255, 366, 433. 'Self Love', ii. 83. Selimus, iv. 27, 46.

'Set at Maw', ii. 143; iii. 297.

'Set at Tennis', ii. 177, 180; iii. 448; iv. 14.

'1, 2 Seven Days of the Week', ii. 144.

Seven Days of the Week. See Christmas Prince. Seven Deadly Sins, ii. 107, 122, 125; iii. 496; iv. 33. 'Seven Wise Masters', ii. 171. 'She Saint', ii. 253. 'Shepherd's Song' (show), iii. 313. Shoemaker a Gentleman, iii. 473.

Shoemaker's Holiday, iii. 291; iv. 112. Shore. See Edward IV. 'Short and Sweet', iii. 516; iv. 206. Sicelides, i. 131; iii. 315.

Sidonia und Theagenes, ii. 285. 'Siege of Dunkirk and Alleyn the Pirate', ii. 181. 'Siege of Edinburgh Castle', iii. 283. 'Siege of London', ii. 146. Silent Woman. See Epicoene. Silvanus, iv. 378. Silver Age, ii. 286; iii. 109, 344; iv. 126, 178. 'Silver Mine', ii. 53. 'Singer's Voluntary', ii. 177, 180; iii. 492. Sir Clyomon and Clamydes. See Clyomon and Clamydes. Sir Giles Goosecap. See Goosecap. 'Sir John Mandeville'. See 'Mandeville'. Sir John Oldcastle. See Oldcastle. Sir John van Olden Barnevelt. See Van Olden Barnevelt. Sir Thomas More. See More. Sir Thomas Wyatt. See Wyatt. 'Sir William Longsword'. See 'Longsword'. '1, 2 Six Clothiers', ii. 178-9. 'Six Fools', iv. 84, 144. 'Six Yeomen of the West', ii. 162, 178. 'Soldan and the Duke of ——', ii. 118; iv. 97, 157. Soliman and Perseda, iv. 28, 46.

'Solitary Knight', ii. 134; iv. 91, 152.

'Solomon and Queen of Sheba' (mask), i. 172; iv. 121.

Solymannidae, iv. 378.

Somnium Fundatoris. See Christmas Prince. Sophonisba, iii. 148, 433.

Sophonisbe, iii. 13.

Spaniard's Night-Walk. See Blurt Master Constable.

'Spanish Comedy', ii. 122.

'Spanish Fig', ii. 179; iii. 300.

'Spanish Maze', iv. 119, 137, 172.

'Spanish Moor's Tragedy', ii. 173; iii. 427.