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'Titus and Vespasian', ii. 122-3,
129-30, 202.

Titus Andronicus, ii. 122, 126, 129-30,
193, 202; iii. 482; iv. 246.

'Tobias', ii. 179.

'2 Tom Dough', ii. 179.

Tom Tyler and his Wife, iii. 27;
iv. 50.

Tomumbeius, iv. 379.

'Too Good to be True', ii. 162,
179; iii. 266.

'Tooley', ii. 134; iv. 93, 151.

'Torrismount', ii. 65.

'Toy to Please Chaste Ladies',
ii. 144.

Tragedia del Libero Arbitrio, iii. 263.

'Transformation of the King of
Trinidadoes Daughters', iii. 268.

Trappolaria, iii. 476.

Travels of the Three English
Brothers, ii. 446; iii. 117, 221,

Tres Sibyllae (show), i. 126, 130;
iii. 332.

Trial of Chivalry, iii. 266, 495;
iv. 50.

Trial of Treasure, iv. 51.

'Triangle of Cuckolds', ii. 166.

Trick to Catch the Old One, iii. 143,
439; iv. 123.

Trinummus, iii. 5.

'Tristram of Lyons', ii. 170.

Triumphs of Truth (show), i. 137;
iii. 443.

Triumphs of Reunited Britannia
(show), i. 137; iii. 448.

Troas (tr.), iii. 477.

Troilus and Cressida, ii. 207; iii.
487; iv. 19, 40.

Troilus and Cressida (plot), ii. 158,
169, 170; iv. 51.

Troja Nova Triumphans (show),
i. 137; iii. 305.

Troublesome Reign of King John,
ii. 202; iv. 23.

'Troy', ii. 144; iii. 345.

'Troy's Revenge and the Tragedy
of Polyphemus', ii. 163, 169.

True Tragedy of Richard Duke of
York. See Contention of York
and Lancaster.

True Tragedy of Richard III, ii.
108; iv. 4, 43.

'Truth, Faithfulness, and Mercy',
ii. 75; iv. 89, 147.

'Truth's Supplication to Candlelight',
ii. 173; iii. 296.

Tugend- und Liebesstreit, ii. 147.

'Turcke', ii. 289; iii. 435.

'Tumholt', i. 322.

Turk, ii. 289; iii. 435.

'Turkish Mahomet and Hiren the Fair Greek', iii. 327, 462.

Twelfth Night, i. 222; ii. 207; iii. 487; iv. 53, 376.

'Twelve Labours of Hercules', iv. 241.

Twelve Months (mask), i. 173; iv. 58.

'Twins' Tragedy', iv. 125, 127, 178, 180.

1, '2' Two Angry Women of Abingdon, iii. 467.

Two Gentlemen of Verona, ii. 194, 285; iii. 483; iv. 246.

Two Italian Gentlemen. See Fedele and Fortunio.

Two Lamentable Tragedies, iii. 266, 518.

Two Maids of Moreclack, iii. 210.

'Two Merry Women of Abingdon', ii. 170.

Two Noble Kinsmen, ii. 217; iii. 226, 311, 373.

'Two Shapes'. See 'Caesar's Fall'.

'Two Sins of King David', iv. 403.

Two Supposed Heads. See Necromantes.

Two Tragedies in One. See Two Lamentable Tragedies.

Two Wise Men and All the Rest Fools, iii. 260.

'Tyrant', iv. 45.


Ulysses and Circe (mask), i. 174; iii. 238.

Ulysses Redux, i. 251; iii. 318; iv. 245.

'Unfortunate General', ii. 227.

Ungehorsam Khauffmanns Sohn, ii. 284.

'Uther Pendragon', ii. 144; iii. 475.


'Valentine and Orson', ii. 166; iv. 403.

Valentinian, iii. 229.

Valiant Welshman, iv. 51.

Van Olden Barnevelt, i. 321, 327.

'Vanity', iii. 178.

'Vayvode', ii. 170.

'Venetian Comedy', ii. 143; iii. 301.

'Verity'. See 'Re Vera'.

Verlorne Sohn, ii. 281, 284, 285-6.

'Vertumnus'. See 'Alba'.

Vertumnus, sive, Annus Recurrens, i. 130; iii. 332.