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Victoria, iii. 31, 316.

Vincentio and Margaret. See
Gentleman Usher.

Vincentius Ladislaus, ii. 276, 284.

Virgin Martyr, ii. 286; iii. 298.

Virtuous Octavia, iii. 236.

Vision of the Twelve Goddesses
(mask), i. 171; iii. 277; iv. 118.

Volpone, iii. 286, 368, 432; iv. 16,
36, 248, 371.

'Vortigern', ii. 144, 180; iii. 442.


'War without Blows and Love
without Suit', ii. 169; iv. 49.

'Warlamchester', ii. 146.

Warning for Fair Women, ii. 434;
iv. 52.

Wars of Cyrus King of Persia, iii.
311; iv. 52.

Wealth and Health, ii. 22; iv. 380.

'Welshman', ii. 147; iv. 51.

'Welshman's Prize', ii. 166; iii.

Westward Ho! iii. 141, 256, 286,

'What Mischief Worketh in the
Mind of Man', ii. 104.

What You Will, i. 381; iii. 140,
293, 430.

What You Will. See Twelfth Night.

When You See Me, You Know Me,
iii. 472.

White Devil, iii. 509.

Whore of Babylon, iii. 296.

Widow, iii. 442.

Widow of Watling Street. See

'Widow's Charm', ii. 181.

Widow's Tears, ii. 367; iii. 147,
256; iv. 127, 181.

'Will of a Woman'. See 'Isle of
a Woman'.

'William Cartwright', ii. 181.

'William the Conqueror', ii. 95;
iv. 12.

Wily Beguiled, iii. 136, 472; iv. 53.

Winter's Tale, ii. 215, 216, 217, 286;
iii. 373, 489; iv. 125, 127, 177,

Wisdom of Doctor Dodipoll, iii. 136;
iv. 54.

'Wise Man of West Chester', ii.
143, 180; iii. 446.

Wise Woman of Hogsdon, iii. 342;
iv. 20.

Wit and Science, ii. 11.

'Wit and Will', iv. 30, 84, 144.

Wit and Wisdom, iii. 24.

Wit at Several Weapons, iii. 232.

Wit of a Woman, iv. 54.

Wit without Money, iii. 229.

Witch of Edmonton, iii. 298.

'Witch of Islington', ii. 147.

'Witless', iv. 404.

'Woman Hard to Please', ii. 144; iii. 467.

Woman Hater, i. 327; iii. 143, 219.

Woman in the Moon, iii. 46, 416.

Woman Killed with Kindness, iii. 341, 342.

Woman's Prize, iii. 222; iv. 33.

'Woman's Tragedy', ii. 163, 167.

Wonder of a Kingdom, iii. 288, 299.

'Wonder of a Woman', ii. 144; iii. 433, 474.

Wonder of Women. See Sophonisba.

Woodstock Entertainment (1575), iii. 400.

Woodstock Entertainment (1592), iii. 404.

'Wooer', iii. 470.

'Wooing of Death', ii. 173.

Work for Cutlers, iv. 54.

'World's Tragedy', ii. 144.

'Worse Afeared than Hurt', ii. 169.

Wounds of Civil War, iii. 410.

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, iii. 293.

'Wylie Beguylie', iv. 53.


'Xerxes', ii. 63; iv. 91, 149.


'Yorkshire Gentlewoman and her Son', iii. 260.

Yorkshire Tragedy, iii. 231; iv. 54.

Your Five Gallants, iii. 150, 440.

Youth, iii. 23; iv. 380.

Yuletide. See Christmas Prince.


Zelotypus, iv. 379.

'Zenobia', ii. 122.

Zerstörung der Stadt Constantinopel, ii. 289-90; iii. 462.

Zerstörung der Stadt Troja, ii. 289; iii. 345.