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Abercrombie, Mr., iii. 388.

Abergavenny (title). See Neville.

Acton, Richard, iii. 402.

Adams, Robert, ii. 343.

Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, on plays,
iv. 195.

Alamanni, Luigi, iii. 13.

Alasco, Count Albert of, i. 129;
iii. 318; iv. 100.

Alberghini, Angelica, ii. 263.

Alberti, Leo Battista, iii. 2.

Alençon, François, Duke of, also
Duke of Anjou, i. 5, 16, 22, 90,
167; iv. 96, 98.

Alexander, Robert, iii. 402; iv. 64.

Allde, John, stationer, iii. 444.

Allen, Giles, ii. 385, 398.

Allen, John, musician, i. 201; iii.
246, 383.

Allen, Sir William, ii. 401.

Alley, William, iii. 209; on plays,
i. 244; iv. 192.

Andreae, Joannes Valentinus, i. 344.

Anhalt-Cöthen, Louis Prince of,
ii. 360.

Anne of Denmark, Queen, i. 6, 167,
170, 174, 199, 204, 212, 218, 325;
ii. 220, 265; iii. 241, 244, 278,
282, 380, 383, 386, 387, 392; iv.
116, 117, 125, 128, 183; her men,
ii. 225-40.

Ansell, Richard, mat-layer, iii. 262.

Ansley. See Harvey.

Anton Maria, ii. 263.

Archer, Francis, iii. 419.

Aremberg, Jean de Ligne, Count of,
i. 25; iv. 170.

Ariosto, Ludovico, iii. 8, 321.

Aristotle, i. 240, 254.

Armstrong, Archie, court fool, i.

Arnold, John, yeoman of revels,
i. 79, 83, 86.

Arundel (title). See Fitzalan,

Ascham, Roger, on plays, i. 239;
iv. 191.

Ashley, Sir Anthony, clerk of privy
council, ii. 411, 517.

Ashley or Astley (b. Champernowne),
Catherine, mistress of
robes, i. 45.

Ashley or Astley, Sir John, master
of revels, i. 104; iii. 241, 378.

Ashton, Roger, ii. 111, 266, 269.

Askewe, Anne Lady, iv. 99.

Aubigny (title). See Stuart.

Aubrey, William, master of requests,
iv. 105, 106.

Auchternouty, Mr., iii. 388.

Austin, William, iii. 287.

Aylmer, John, bishop of London,
ii. 110; iv. 229.

Ayrer, Jacob, ii. 271; iii. 396, 418,


Babington, Gervase, on plays, i.
254; iv. 225.

Bacon (b. Cooke), Anne Lady,
i. 264; ii. 381; iii. 211; iv. 56.

Bacon, Anthony, ii. 381; iii. 211;
iv. 56.

Bacon, Sir Francis, ii. 371; iii. 187;
iv. 59.

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, lord keeper of
the seals, i. 110, 117; iv. 88, 93.

Baden, Margrave of, i. 324.

Badger, Sir Thomas, iii. 241, 377.

Badius Ascensius, Jodocus, iii. 7.

Baile, Steven, groom of revels, i.

Baines, Richard, iii. 419.

Baldwin, William, ii. 82-3.

Bale, John, i. 241.

Ball, Cutting, iii. 324.

Bame. See Baines.

Banbury (title). See Knollys.

Bancroft, Richard, archbishop of
Canterbury, iii. 168.

Banks, horse trainer, ii. 383; iii.

Barbarigo, Gregorio, Venetian ambassador,
i. 25.

Barley, William, stationer, iv. 65.

Barlow, William, corrector of books,
iii. 168.

Barnard, John, clerk comptroller of
tents and revels, i. 73; ii. 491-2.

Barrose, John, fencer, iii. 359.

Barry, Leonard, iii. 388.

Basil, Simon, surveyor of works,
i. 180.

Baskervile, Susanna, ii. 236.

Bavande, William, on plays, i. 237;
iv. 190.