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  358, 445;
  iv. 60, 63, 77, 92, 118, 121, 231, 339.

Pages of Chamber, i. 45.

Palaces, i. 8-15.

Palsgrave's men, ii. 190-2.

Papist plays, i. 328.

Pariete (scenic wall), iv. 355, 362.

Paris Garden, ii. 450-65.

Parliaments, i. 22.

'Parts' of plays, ii. 44;
  iii. 185, 194, 329.

Passports, ii. 138, 274.

Patents, stages of, i. 272;
  for Master of Revels, i. 89, 99;
  iv. 285;
  for playing companies, i. 281, 302, 304, 305, 385; ii. 49, 55, 56, 67, 68, 87, 187, 190, 208, 218, 229, 230, 243, 246;
  iv. 270, 272, 335-43, 344;
  for playhouse, ii. 472.

Patterns for masks, i. 163, 165.

Paul's, children of, ii. 8-23;
  grammar school, ii. 9-11, 16, 21;
  play-*house, ii. 16;
  iii. 144.

Payments for court plays, iv. 141-83.

Pembroke's men, ii. 128-34, 166, 199.

Pendentia (rake of stage), iv. 356.

Pensioners, i. 47, 50, 140; iv. 352.

Pensions of players, i. 352; ii. 191, 237.

Pent-house, ii. 544.

Pergoli (balconies), iv. 360.

[Greek: Periaktoi] (turn-tables), i. 233; iii. 3.

Perspective, in mask-settings, i. 184;
  on court stage, i. 231;
  on Italian stage, iii. 8-10, 13;
  iv. 355;
  on French stage, iii. 17;
  on court stage, iii. 21, 44;
  in private theatres, iii. 133, 154.

Phoenix playhouse, ii. 372, 375.

Pianta (ground-plan of stage), iv. 355.

Pippins in playhouses, iv. 203, 218.

'Piracy' of plays, iii. 184-92.

Pit, ii. 555; iv. 372.

'Place', iii. 22, 27, 37.

'Place behind the stage', iii. 82.

Plagiarism, iii. 408.

Plague, history of, in London, i. 329;
  iv. 345-51;
  bills of, i. 292, 302, 330;
  iv. 301, 336, 338, 345;
  restraint of plays for, i. 267, 278, 282, 286-97, 302-4, 329;
  ii. 113;
  iv. 259-345, 346-51;
  subsidies to King's men in, i. 218;
  ii. 210, 214;
  iv. 168, 174, 176;
  in progress time, i. 109, 111, 119, 121.

Platea, iii. 16, 22.

Plaudite, ii. 549; iii. 370; iv. 366.

Players as covenant servants, ii.

  as gentlemen, i. 349; ii. 98, 298;
  as Grooms of Chamber, i. 47, 52, 311; ii. 105, 211; iv. 169;
  as rogues and vagabonds, i. 254, 270, 279, 287, 292, 294, 299, 305, 383; iv. 224, 230, 255, 258, 270, 300, 324, 337; in masks, i. 200; ii. 217;
  in poets' feathers, i. 376; iii. 326, 450;
  in prison, i. 298, 339; ii. 52, 55, 155, 323; iii. 257, 353, 496; iv. 305, 323;
  on the road, i. 332, 376, 380, 383-4; iii. 353; iv. 236, 241, 257;
  pressing of, i. 383; iv. 18.
  See Apparel, Apprentices, Arms, Boys, Casts, Chameleon, Clowns, Continent, Contracts, Conversion, Copper lace, Debts, Doubling, Fines, Hireling, Infamia, Law-*suits, Quality, Ranting, Recognisances, Statutes, Supers, Temperament, Vizards, Women.

Playhouses, list of, ii. 379;
  succession of, ii. 355-79;
  iconography of, ii. 519;
  audience in, ii. 548, 555;
  auditorium of, ii. 526-38, 555;
  cost of, i. 368; ii. 387, 391, 406-9, 423, 436, 441, 443;
  destruction of, ii. 374;
  luxury of, i. 285, 348; ii. 358, 395, 530; iv. 197, 200, 217, 269;
  profits of, i. 355, 368; ii. 391, 424-5, 510, 512;
  seating of, ii. 530-8, 555;
  shape of, ii. 524, 554;
  size of, ii. 527, 554;
  structure of, ii. 393, 409, 434, 439, 443, 448, 522-57;
  suppression of, in city, ii. 359;
  visits of foreigners to, ii. 358-69.
  See Accidents, Attendants, Bills, Bookholders, Books, Boxes, Box-*holders, Bullettini, Burning, Cards, Contracts, Cressets, Cutpurses, Disorders, Doors, Entrance fees, Executions, Flags, Free list, Galleries, Gatherers, Groundlings, Harlots, Hiring, Hissing, Hour, Housekeepers, Hut, Ladies, Licences, Lighting, Lords' rooms, Mewing, Night, Pent-house, Pippins, Pit, Plaudite, Private, Public, Refreshments, Rooms, Round, Shadow, Seats, Signs, Smoking, Sounding, Square, Stage, Stage-*keepers, Staging, Stinkards, Stools, Taphouses, Tiring house, Tombs, Top, Trumpets, Understanders, Upper rooms, Yard.

Playing companies, lists of, i. 341; ii. 8, 77;
  succession of, ii. 3-8;
  organization of, i. 310-13, 352-68, 378.
  See Adult, Amalgamation,