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  Articles, Associations, Badges, Bonds, Boy, Competition, Compositions, Deputations, Division, Exemplifications, Finance, House-*keepers, Licences, Local, Lords, Managers, Masters, Patents, Pensions, Provincial, Sharers, Size, Stock, Syndicates.

Plays, lists of, iv. 373-406;
  called ballads, iii. 504, 505;
  falsity of, i. 254;
  iv. 211, 217;
  incongruities in, iii. 40, 88;
  iv. 201, 203, 215, 226, 248;
  preferred to sermons, i. 255, 258;
  iv. 199, 219, 223, 304;
  price of, i. 372;
  ii. 160-4;
  written for printing, iii. 28;
  within plays, iii. 93. See Acts, Calvinism, Closet, Defences, Duration, Epilogue, Ethics, Ex-*tempore, Get-penny, Length, Morals, Plots, Politics, Prayers, Prologue, Puritans, Religious, Revision, Revivals, Runs, Satire, Sedition, Topical, Vice.

Play-texts, sold to printers, iii. 184, 194;
  printing of, i. 341;
  ii. 114, 128;
  iii. 158-200, 479. See Abridgement, Assembled, Copy, Copyright, Corrector, Good and Bad, Manuscripts, Morals, Originals, Parts, Piracy, Press-corrections, Publishers, Scriveners, Shorthand, Stage-directions, Star Chamber, Stationers, Staying, Surreptitious.

Playwrights, collaboration of, ii. 161, 253;
  iii. 368;
  in prison, iii. 254, 257, 263, 270, 353, 367, 394, 419, 428, 454, 500;
  relation of, to players, i. 372-86;
  ii. 162, 251-3;
  iii. 325, 365, 450;
  iv. 236, 241, 450;
  to boy companies, i. 378;
  ii. 50. See Amanuensis, Benefits, Earnest.

Pléiade, plays of, iii. 13, 19.

'Plot' of playhouse, ii. 439.

'Plots' of plays, ii. 125, 136, 150, 158, 175-7;
  iii. 125, 459, 496, 500;
  iv. 9, 14, 47, 51, 404.

Poetomachia, i. 381;
  iii. 252, 292, 293, 353, 365, 369, 428, 430;
  iv. 11, 17, 21, 40, 47.

Poggiuoli (balconies), iv. 360.

Politics in plays, i. 244, 262-3, 276, 304, 321, 322-8;
  ii. 51-5, 196, 204, 210, 211, 215;
  iii. 254, 257, 271, 275, 286, 296, 364, 367, 415.

Pomponiani, iii. 3.

Poor rate on playhouses, i. 281, 283, 294, 300, 301, 317;
  ii. 410;
  iv. 304, 316, 324, 325, 327, 328.

Porter of St. John's Gate, i. 79, 93, 100.

Porter's Hall playhouse, ii. 472-4;
  iii. 272.

Porticus, ii. 530.

Posts, Master of, i. 48, 62, 69.

Posts on stage, ii. 544-5;
  iii. 27, 38, 72, 75, 108.

Prayers at end of plays, i. 245, 311;
  ii. 550;
  iii. 180, 466, 470, 504, 505;
  iv. 3, 37, 50, 51.

Prayer-time, restraint in, i. 282, 283, 289, 292, 313;
  ii. 123.

Presence Chamber, i. 14; iv. 351-3.

Presenters, iii. 92, 128.

President of Council, i. 68.

Press-corrections, iii. 197.

Prices of seats, ii. 531-4, 536.

Prince Charles's men, ii. 241-6.

Prince Henry's men, ii. 186-90.

Printed plays (list), iv. 379-97.

Prison scenes, iii. 62, 66.

Private performances, i. 219, 283, 292, 340;
  ii. 159;
  iii. 451-3;
  iv. 36, 276, 300, 302, 308.

'Private' playhouses, i. 380;
  ii. 355, 511, 522, 536;
  iii. 149;
  iv. 366, 372;
  arrangements of, ii. 554-6;
  staging in, iii. 130-54.

'Privileges' for books, iii. 159.

Privy Chamber, i. 14, 42.

Privy Council, i. 66-70;
  Clerks of, i. 48, 68;
  register of, i. 68, 277;
  iv. 259;
  control of plays by, i. 69, 217, 266-8, 269-307;
  iii. 367;
  iv. 259-345;
  of printing, iii. 159-63, 168, 172.

Privy Gallery, i. 14.

Privy Garden, i. 14.

Privy Purse, i. 62, 66.

Privy Seal, i. 54, 56, 67.

Proclamations, i. 68, 270, 273, 276, 279, 302.

Profanity in plays, i. 255, 303, 322;
  iv. 338.

Profilo (section of playhouse), iv. 353-5.

Profits of players, i. 348, 368-70;
  iv. 200, 219, 269, 371.

Progresses, i. 17, 21, 107-31;
   ii. 25;
  plays during, i. 214.

Prologue, ii. 542, 547; iii. 72;
  iv. 367.

Prompters. See Bookholders.

Properties, i. 224, 231, 372;
  ii. 168;
  iii. 88, 137;
  iv. 367.

Proscenio (floor of stage), iii. 4;
  iv. 355, 358.

Proscenium, ii. 528, 540;
  iii. 16, 31.

Proscenium arch of masks, i. 181, 234;
  of plays, i. 234;
  iii. 20.