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uncertain which was used; Gascoigne prints Mulcaster's, Laneham Paten's.

11 July. Dialogue of a Savage Man and Echo, 'devised, penned, and pronounced' by Gascoigne.

18 July. Device of the Delivery of the Lady of the Lake, by William Hunnis, with verses by Hunnis, Ferrers, and Henry Goldingham, who played Arion.

20 July. Device of Zabeta prepared by Gascoigne, but not shown.

27 July. Device of the Farewell of Silvanus, by Gascoigne.

Woodstock Entertainment. 1575

See ch. xxiii, s.v. Sir Henry Lee.

Suffolk and Norfolk Entertainments. August 1578

There are two contemporary descriptions:


S. R. 1578, Aug. 30. 'The ioyfull Receavinge of the Quenes maiestie into Norwyche.' Henry Bynneman (Arber, ii. 336).

N.D. The Ioyfull Receyuing of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie into her Highnesse Citie of Norwich: The things done in the time of hir abode there: and the dolor of the Citie at hir departure. Wherein are set down diuers Orations in Latine, pronounced to hir Highnesse by Sir Robert Wood Knight, now Maior of the same Citie, and others: and certain also deliuered to hir Maiestie in writing: euery of the turned into English. Henrie Bynneman. [Epistle by Ber[nard] Gar[ter] to Sir Owen Hopton.]

Edition in Nichols, Eliz. (1823), ii. 136.


S. R. 1578, Sept. 20. 'The enterteignement of the Quenes Maiestie in Suffolk and Norffolk; gathered by Thomas Churchyard.' Henry Bynneman (Arber, ii. 338).

N.D. A Discourse of the Queenes Maiesties entertainement in Suffolk and Norffolk: With a description of many things then presently seene. Deuised by Thomas Churchyarde, Gent. with diuers shewes of his own inuention sette out at Norwich: . . . Henrie Bynneman. [Epistle by Churchyard to Gilbert Garrard. Adnitt (cf. s.v. Churchyard) says there were two issues with varying prefatory matter.]

Extracts in Nichols, Eliz. (1823), ii. 115, 128, 130, 133, 179.

A ballad and a sonnet, presumably from their titles based on A, were registered by J. Charlwood and R. Jones respectively on 24 and 31 March 1579 (Arber, ii. 349, 350).

Elizabeth was at Norwich 16-22 Aug. 1578. The diary is as follows:

16 Aug. 1578. Oration by Mayor at Hartford Bridge; Speech, prepared but prevented by rain, of King Gurgunt in Town Close