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near Blanch Flower Castle; Pageant of the Commonwealth, with representations of local loom industries, and speech by Garter in St. Stephen's Street; Pageant of the City of Norwich, Deborah, Judith, Esther, and Queen Martia, with the City Waits and songs by Garter and Churchyard, at entry to Market-place; Speech of a Turkish Boy by Churchyard, at Mr. Peck's door.

18 Aug. Speech of Mercury in an elaborate coach, by Churchyard.

19 Aug. Show of Chastity, with dialogue and song of Chastity, Cupid, a Philosopher, Wantonness, Riot, Modesty, Temperance, Good Exercise, and Shamefastness, by Churchyard; Oration by Minister of Dutch Church.

20 Aug. Oration by Stephen Limbert, Master of the Grammar School.

21 Aug. Shows of Water Nymphs, with speeches, and of Manhood and Desert, a contention of Manhood, Good Favour, Desert, and Good Fortune, for Lady Beauty, prepared but prevented by rain, both by Churchyard; Mask by Henry Goldingham in Privy Chamber after supper of Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Venus, Apollo, Pallas, Neptune, Diana, Mercury as presenter, Cupid, torchbearers and musicians, who marched about the chamber and made speeches and characteristic gifts, but apparently did not dance.

22 Aug. Speech and Song at St. Benet's Gate by Garter; Show of Fairies with their Queen and seven speeches, outside the gate, by Churchyard; written Oration by Mayor at departure over City boundary.

Churchyard also mentions 'speeches well sette out and a speciall device much commended' in the park of the Earl of Surrey at Kenninghall on 12 Aug.; also divers 'triumphes and devises' in Suffolk, of which he only specifies 'a shew representing the Phayries (as well as might be) . . . in the whiche shew a rich jewell was presented to the Queenes Highnesse' at Sir Thomas Kidson's house, Hengrave Hall, during 28-30 Aug. In Churchyards Challenge (1593) he claims 'The whole deuises pastimes and plaies at Norwich, before her Maistie', and also 'The Commedy before her Maestie at Norwich in the fielde when she went to dinner to my Lady Gerninghams' at Costessy (19 Aug.). Fortress of Perfect Beauty. 15-16 May 1581

S. R. 1581, July 1. 'The Tryumphe Shewed before the Quene and the Ffrenche Embassadors.' Robert Walgrave (Arber, ii. 396).

N.D. A brief declaratiō of the shews, deuices, speeches, and inuentions, done & performed before the Queenes Maiestie, & the French Ambassadours, at the most valiaunt and worthye Triumph, attempted and executed on the Munday and Tuesday in Whitson weeke last, Anno 1581. Collected, gathered, penned & published, by Henry Goldwel, Gen. Robert Waldegrave. [Epistle by Goldwell to Rowland Brasebridge of Great Wycombe.]

Edition in Nichols, Eliz.^2 (1823), ii. 310.