Page:The English hymnal (1906).djvu/181

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Passiontide Office Hymns til Maundy Thursday. No Office Hymns from Maundy Thursday till Low Sunday.

Slow 𝅗𝅥 = 56.
Este's Paslter, 1592.

<< <<
\new Staff { \clef treble \time 4/2 \key e \minor \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t \override = #'altdefault
  \relative c'
  << {  e1 e2 fis | g g fis2. fis4 | e1. \bar"||" e2 | g2. g4 a2 d | \time 3/2 b1. \bar"||" \break
        b2 b2. b4 | \time 4/2 a2 fis g a | b1. \breathe \bar"||" b2 | a g a fis | e \breve \bar"|." } \\
  { b1 b2 b | b e e dis | e1. c2 | b b d d | d1.
    g2 g2. g4 | fis2 d g e | dis1. d2 | fis e e dis | e \breve } >>
\new Staff { \clef bass \key e \minor \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c'
  << { g1 g2 fis | e b' b2. a4 | g1. e2 | e4( fis) g2 g fis | g1.
       d'2 d2. d4 | d2 d b a | fis1. d'2 | d b c b4( a) | g \breve } \\
  { e1 e2 dis | e g, b b | e1. a,2 | e'2. e4 d2 d | g,1.
    g2 g'2. g4 | d2 d e c | b1. g2 | d'2 e a, b | e \breve } \\
       \tiny \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0.1
       { s1 s1 | s1 s1 | s1 s1 | s1 s1 | s1. |
       s1. | s1 s1 | s1 s1 | s1 s1 | e, \breve } >>
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 56 }

J. M. Neale, 1818—66; (4.) W. Denton.

O THOU who through this holy week
Didst suffer for us all,
The sick to cure, the lost to seek,
To raise up them that fall:

2 We cannot understand the woe
Thy love was pleased to bear;
O Lamb of God, we only know
That all our hopes are there.

3 Thy feet the path of suffering trod;
Thy hand the victory won:
What shall vie render to our God
For all that he hath done?

4. O grant us, Lord, with thee to die,
With thee to rise anew;
Grant us the things of earth to fly,
The things of heaven pursue.

<< <<
\new Staff { \clef treble \time 4/2 \key e \minor \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c' {
  << { e1 e \bar"||" } \\ { c b } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { A -- men. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key e \minor \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c' {
  << { a1 gis } \\ { a,1 e' } >> }
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 56 }




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