Page:The Essays of George Eliot, ed. Sheppard, 1883.djvu/299

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THE STANDARD SERIES. Best Books for a Trifle. These books are printed in readable type, on fair paper, and are bound in postai card man ilia. These books are printed wholly without abridgment, except Canon Farrar's " Life of Christ" and his "Life of Paul." 1. John Ploughman's Talk. C. H. Spurgeon. On Choice of Books. Thomas Carlyle. 4to. Both 2. Manliness of Christ. Thomas Hughes. 4to 3. Essays. Lord Macaulay. 4to... 4. Light of Asia. Edwin Arnold. 4to. 5. Imitation of Christ. Thomas a Kempis. 4to 6-7. Life of Christ. Canon Farrar. 4to 8. Essays. Thomas Carlyle. 4ro.. 9-10. Life and Work of St. Paul. Canon Farrar. 4to 2 parts, both 11. Self-Culture Prof. J. S. Blackie. 4to. 2 parts, both 12-19. Popular History of England. Chas. Knight. 4to 20-21. Ruskin's Letters to Workmen and Laborer*". 4to. 2 parts, both 22. Idyls of the King. Alfred Tunny- son. 4to 23. Life of Rowland Hill. Rev. Y. J. Charlesworth. 4ro 24. Town Geology. Charles Kings- lev. 4to 23. Alfred the Great. Thos. Hughes. 4to 26. Outdoor Life in Europe. Rev. E. P. Thwing. 4to 27. Calamities of Authors. 1. Dis- raeli. 4to 28. Salon of Madame Necker. Parti. 4to 29. Ethics of the Dust. JohnRuskin. 4to 30-31. Memories of My Exile. Louis Kossuth. 4to 32. Mister Horn and His Friends. Illustrated. 4to 33-34. Orations of Demosthenes. 4to. 33. Frondes Agrestes. John Rua- kin. 4to 36. Joan of Arc. Alphonse de La- martine. 4to 37. Thoughts of M. Aurelius Anto- ninus. 4to 38. Salon of Madame Necker. Part II. 4to 59. The Hermits. Chas. Kingslev. 4f>. 40. John Ploughman's Pictures. C. H. Spurgeon. 4to ill. Pulpit Table-Talk. Dean Ram- say. 4to i2. Biblo and Newspaper. C. H. Spurgeon. 4to 13. Lacon. Rev. C. C. Colton. 4to. SO 12 10 15 15 No- Price. 44. Goldsmith's Citizen of the World. 4to $0 20 45. America Revisited. George Au- gustus Sala. 4to 20 46. Life of C. H. Spurgeon. 8vo.... 20 47. John Calvin. M. Guifcot. 4to... 15 48-49. Dickens' Christmas Books. Illustrated. 8vo 50 50. Shairp's Culture and Religion. 8vo. 15 51-52. Godot's Commentary on Luke. Ed. by Dr. John Hall. 8vo,2parts, both 2 00 53. Diary of a Minister's Wife. Part I. Svo 15 54-57. Van Doren's Suggestive Com- mentary on Luke. New edition, enlarged. 8vo 3 00 58. Diary of a Minister's Wife. Part II. 8vo 15 59. The Nutritive Cure. Dr. Robert Walter. 8vo 15 60. Sartor Resartii3. Thomas Car- lyle. 4to 23 01-62. Lothair. Lord Beacousfleld. 8vo 50 63. The Persian Queen and Other Pictures of Truth. Rev. E. P. Thwing. 8vo 10 G4. Salon of Madame Necker. Part III. 4to 15 65-66. The Popular History of Eng- lish Bible Translation. H. P. Co- nant. Svo. Price both parts... 50 67. Ingersoll Answered. Joseph Par- ker, D.D. 8vo 15 68-69. Studies in Mark. D. C. Hughes. 8vo. in two parts 60 70. Job's Comforters. A Religious Satire. Joseph Parker, D.D. (Lon- don. ) 12mo 10 71. The Revi-ers' English, G. Wash- ington Moon, F.R.S L. 12mo.. 20 72. The Conversion of Children. Rev. Edward Payson Hammond. 12mo 30 73. New Testament Helps. Rev. W. F. Crafts. 8vo 20 74. Opium — England's Coercive Poli- cy. Rev. Jno. Liggins. 8vo 10 75. Blood of Jesus. Rev. Wm. A. Reid. With Introduction by E. P.Hammond. 12mo 10 76. Lesson in the Closet for 1883. Charles F. Deems, D D. 12mo. . 20 77-78. Heroes and Holidavs. Rev. W. F. drafts. 12mo. 2 pts., both 30 79. Rt*miniscpnoe8 of Rev. Lyman Beecher, D.D. 8vo 10 FUNK & WAGNALLS, 10 and 12 Dey St., NEW YORK.