Page:The Essays of George Eliot, ed. Sheppard, 1883.djvu/300

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.a. <3-:r,:elaji? saobifioe. Young's Analytical Concordance BJEJDUCJ£D TO $2.50, POB .A. LIMITED TIME. Dr. Young cannot endure to have this, the great work of his life, judged by the un- authorized editions with which the American market is flooded. These editions, he feels, do his work and the American public great injustice. That Americans may be able to see the work as printed under his eye and from his own plates, he will sell some thousands of copies at ,, A Great Pecuniary Sacrifice. The sale at the reduced prices will begin March 1, 1883, and will continue until the thousands of copies set apart for this sale are exhausted. This in the authorized, latest revised and unabridged edition— In every respect the same type, paper, binding, etc., as we have sold at the higher prices. It Is a burning shame that the great life-work of one of the most eminent scholars, a work pronounced In both Europe and America as one of the most laborious and important that this century has produced, embracing nearly 1100 large quarto pages, each larger and containing more matter than Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, should prove a great financial loss to Its author ! This great work is selling in England at $9, and Is now Imported and sold in America Orders will be filled in the order received np to the time of the exhaustion of the stock. Young's Great Concordance. DO tfOT BE DECEIVED. There is but one authorized and correct edition of Young's Concordance sold in America. Every copy of this edition has on the title-page the words

  • ' Authorized Edition," and at the bottom of the page the imprint

New York : Funk & Wagn alls. Edinburgh : George Adam Young & Company. All copies, no matter by whom sold, that have not these words printed on the title-page are printed on the bungling plates made by the late American Book Exchange. Dr. Young says : •' This unauthorized American edition is an outrage on the American public, and on me, containing gross errors." Rev. Dr. John Hall says : " Dr. Robert Young's Analytical Concordance is worthy of the lifetime of labor he has spent upon it. I deeply regret that his natural and just expectation of some return from it8saleon this side or the ocean is not realized; and I hope the sense of justice to a most painstaking author will lead to the choice by many purchasers of the edition which Dr. Young approves— that of Messrs. Funk & Wagnalls, with whom Dr. Young co- operates in bringing out here the best edition. "New York. JOHN HALL." Do not be deceived by misrepresentations. Insist that your bookseller furnish you the Authorized edition. REDUCED PRICES: 1100 quarto pages (each larger than a page in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary), Cloth, $2 50 Sheep 4 00 French im. morocco 4 50 Sent post-free. FUNK & WAGNALLS, 10 & 12 Dey Street, New York.