Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/111

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the judgment; and in the night-time I have been roused by his cry, 'They have fallen! They are lost!' and then I knew that he dreamed of the narrow way over the abyss[1]. — When I have awakened him, and declared my belief that his children and himself shall alike pass the narrow way in safety, he has wiped the sweat from his brow, saying only, 'The will of God be done!' — Thus does his fear almost overcome his faith.

Eber exclaimed, Would that men could discern what is the will of God, as well as strive to submit to it! Who would not grieve for the anguish of Aza, and of many who have suffered like him, if it were shown that this superstition of the sun being unsheathed had been devised by the Jews many ages ago; that from them and from the Magians, and not from on high, had Mohammed heard of the narrow bridge over the bottomless pit of fire? This will I show to Aza from the ancient books of the Jews. Would I could show it likewise to all who have vainly suffered from this tradition of your Prophet?

I impute it not to Mohammed as a falsehood

  1. Prelim. Dissert. p. 91.