Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/112

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said Havilah. If it were believed first among the Jews, it may yet be true.

I lay it to Mohammed's charge, replied Eber, that he has made worse that which was no better than a superstition among the Jews. — They supposed that idolaters alone were subject to these torments and trials: Mohammed declares that the righteous shall share them. If it were so, I could no longer call God the tender Father of men.

Yet his mercy is finally sure, replied Havilah; for Mohammed himself will intercede for men[1], and to him nothing is refused. In him is our only hope in that day; for no other prophet, neither Adam, nor Noah, nor Abraham, nor Moses, nor even Jesus, will intercede for so many who are guilty in great things or small.

In God himself is my hope, replied Eber. Though many prophets, though angels who stand about the throne should offer to intercede for me, I would not accept their intercession. I would say, 'God is just, therefore will I trust in him. God is merciful, therefore will I hope in him. God is my Father, therefore will I draw nigh unto him; and none shall interpose

  1. Prelim. Dissert. p. 87.