Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/159

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end of faith is virtue, arid that the greatest virtues are prayer and the giving of alms.

Christ also taught, replied Eber, that the end of faith is holiness, and that holiness is testified by devotion to God and love to man. Herein, my friend, are we of one mind, and let us henceforth act as if we were of one soul.

Havilah answered, In our good deeds to men we may join hands as brethren, but we must pray apart.

It is true, replied Eber, that there are prayers too sacred to be uttered in the hearing of man. There are also some which we could not offer with one accord, because our faith in the prophets is different; but since we adore the same God, and acknowledge the same eternal truth, and love mankind with the same earnest love, — why may we not pray together that the truth may prevail, and that man may be blessed?

Havilah replied, Though the devotion of the spirit is the life of prayer, so that without it no outward rites can avail; yet those outward rites are also commanded, and the Faithful can pray with none who use them not. Mohammed commanded that men should purify themselves