Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/160

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with water before prayer, and that the body should express reverence as well as the thoughts. The Christians are but once purified, — when they are baptized; and many are not even thus made pure. Thenceforward they wash without thought of prayer, and pray without the preparation of washing. Neither do they prostrate themselves; and some there are who are seldom seen to bend the knee.

This is true, answered Eber; but think not therefore that the Christians esteem prayer less holy, or practise it less solemnly than the followers of Mohammed. Thy Prophet spoke wisely when he said, that 'prayer is the pillar of religion,' and that 'no religion is good which is without prayer:' for how should man truly love Him whom he seeks not, or be strong in faith if he finds not the highest strength? The Prophet also said truly, that 'prayer is the key of Paradise;' for if there be one hour rather than another when the peace of heaven succeeds to the troubles of earth, — when the glories of eternity may be discerned amidst the shadows of time, — it is when man draws near to his Maker. This communion, if pure, cannot be made more pure by the preparation of