Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/25

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worshiping in the true faith! I have marked, not only yonder household on the banks of the stream, but higher up, a wayfarer who came to purify himself; and beneath the tree young children kneeled down beside their parent; and in the porch of yonder dwelling I could perceive that they who command and they who serve, bent the head together. Praised be the name of the Prophet who established prayer in all our land!

Was it Mohammed who taught men to pray? inquired Eber. Was there not one before him who prayed continually, and who taught others to pray in spirit and in truth?

Jesus prayed as holy prophets pray, answered Havilah; but his followers corrupted the worship which he offered pure. Did they not pray to himself and to his mother Mary? Nor was this to be wondered at: Jesus appointed no times for prayer, but left every man to follow his own will. It was left for the greatest Prophet so to ordain the seasons of prayer, that no man could forget or dared neglect to offer praise continually to the One God. Doth it not gladden the heart, to know that prayer riseth up through many lands at the same hour; and that noisy cities and busy villages and quiet