Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/26

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valleys are made as one great temple, while the names of the One God and of Mohammed his prophet are spoken there?

If I believed that Mohammed was the true Prophet, and that through all the land God was worshiped with the spirit, my heart would be glad: but believing Christ to be the last and greatest of the prophets, I would have men pray as he taught.

The Christians forget, replied Havilah, that Christ himself foretold that Mohammed should come.

We do not forget, answered Eber; but we disbelieve. In our Scriptures we find no such prophecy, and we call not that writing a part of the Gospel in which the prophecy is found. To me it appears that Christ revealed so much of the will of God, and opened so fully to men all things that are needful for their holiness and their peace, that no one was wanted after him to tell more. Or if there had been more to impart to men, I cannot think that Mohammed hath done it.

Hath not Mohammed told many things which Christ declared not? Hath he not told many things of the grave, of paradise, and the place of punishment, and also of the angels?