Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/62

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And the Book of Mohammed, said Aza, bending his head over the volume as he spoke. This is the seal of the Prophets; this shall not be changed or lost, as the others have been; and therefore this is the last of the revelations of God. He will speak no more to men till the judgment.

Do the followers of the Prophet suppose that all the sacred books are changed? asked Eber.

All but the Book of Mohammed, replied Havilah. The Jews have altered the Law, and the Christians the Gospel, as the Prophet said; and none remains entire except the writing which Gabriel gave, and which no man has power to change.

How then has it been changed? asked Eber. There are some among the Faithful who read differently from others, as I have heard from thyself: — though these differences be small, I see not how they can exist at all, if God really promised that no such change should be.

Surely there are more and greater differences in the Scriptures which the Christians hold sacred? replied Havilah.

There are, answered his friend: but to us