Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/63

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God has not promised that no word of the sacred writings should be altered. The truth which they contain shall never be changed, because it is truth; but it is given to us in a more lasting form than can be found in the number and order of words. It is the custom of the Jews, and also of those who call themselves the Faithful, to number the sentences, and the words, and even the very letters of their Scriptures, lest any should be lost or changed. We use other methods of preserving the truth.

The Jews, said Havilah, have corrupted the Law, even more than they who worship Mary have spoiled the Gospel.

Not so, said Eber: but it is certain that unless the spirit of the Law is preserved in the heart, any care to guard the letter is of little avail. Both should be guarded; but the spirit may remain entire, even though the letter should be somewhat changed.

But, said Havilah, if a revelation be given by God, will it not be preserved by him?

Yes: — but what makes the revelation? Not the words, but the meaning which is in the words. Else no revelation could be of use to any but those whose language is the same as