Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/75

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who witnessed the revelation; and therefore no writings but those of witnesses are sacred.

Therefore it is, said Havilah, that the Christians reject the gospel of Barnabas; — but if they receive the writings of Paul, why refuse those of Barnabas?

Even if they believed this scripture to be the work of Barnabas, replied Eber, they would remember that he was not called and sanctified by miracle, by Jesus himself, as was Paul. But they also declare that it could not have been written by the companion of Paul, because he was originally a Jew, while the writer of this work calls himself a Gentile. He also speaks of Jerusalem as being destroyed when he wrote, while Barnabas the friend of Paul could scarcely have been alive so long. Other reasons there are which it will not please my friend to hear, further than that the Christians of the early times numbered not this writing among their sacred Books.

Give me, said Havilah, the volume which is in thy bosom: I will sit down here and study it, if thou wilt go to Aza and listen to what he shall read. But remember, it was with Mohammed as with the Apostles, — that he made not the revelation, but only received it. He did