Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/76

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not even write it down according to the thoughts of his own mind and the words of his own lips, but as Gabriel spoke: some parts also the Angel himself wrote. Let this, and the portion of truth which my friend knows to be in the Book, dispose him to receive the whole, or at least to learn why others receive it.

And let my friend, on his part, remember, replied Eber, that no eye beheld Gabriel descend to Mohammed; while a crowd was present when the spirit sanctified the baptism of Jesus. No ear was awake when, as Mohammed declared, the name of God was named to him; while a multitude heard when Jesus prayed 'Father, glorify thy name!' and a voice from heaven answered, 'I have both glorified it, and I will glorify it again.' Let my friend remember, that by the hands of Mohammed alone were wonders pretended to be wrought, and by him alone were they recorded: while the gifts of healing, of preaching in many tongues, and even of raising from the dead, were given to all the Apostles, and to many followers besides; and that the Scriptures which testify of these things were written by eight different persons, whose testimony was sanctioned by many more.