Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/77

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Havilah replied, These things I will remember willingly; for I disbelieve not the Christian Scriptures, as the Christians refuse the Book of Mohammed. If I find that these two bear testimony to one another, I will believe in both.

Search and see, replied Eber. Only study with all thy heart, and then believe according as the truth shall appear unto thee.

While Havilah sat down to read and meditate, his friend drew near to the place where Aza still bent over the volume which lay on his knees. He made room for Eber to sit beside him, and and pointed to the page where he read.

The Book was well known to Eber, who disbelieved not any religion without declaring the reasons of his disbelief. But he read yet again, because Havilah had desired that he should; and he withdrew not his eyes or his thoughts till Aza put up the volume and withdrew as the darkness came on.