Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/85

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shall see the work of the Lord: for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee.' — 'Behold I drive out before thee the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest.'[1] Thus was it done, so that the laid of promise was given to Abraham's seed.

The fifth dispensation, said Havilah, was greater than all that had gone before. When it was about to be given, the angels stood afar off to gaze, even as when man was first reared; and the Despairing One shrank back to hide himself, believing that his hour of punishment was come.

Man was indeed newly created on that day, said Eber; for eternal life was then offered to him. Then indeed began the warfare against the Powers of Evil, by which they shall surely be overthrown.

Here again, said Havilah, was the eternal truth revealed, and by signs from God was it again confirmed.

That truth was not shown in part, to one nation, as before, replied Eber. It is shown forth in the Gospel as clearly as the sun at noon day; and it can never again be obscured. No more shall there be light among the He-

  1. Exodus xxxiv. 10. &c.