Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/86

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brews, while darkness, as in the dwellings of Egypt, covers all besides. No more shall there be hopeless wailings for the dead in some dwellings, while there is peace among others. All men shall come to Jesus to partake of life, and to be assured of immortality. The blessings of his Gospel are so many and so deep, that men shall not know them fully till they speak of them one to another on the judgment day; and the wisdom which it teaches is so given, that it opens out as men watch for it; it comes forth as they need it. It has never been fathomed; it can never be exhausted: and if the earth should endure for many thousand years, the wisest man of the last and wisest age may yet learn of the Gospel of Jesus as thy child learneth of thee. God giveth no more dispensations, for this brings man to the very gates of heaven. Besides this, he gives no further revelation; for by this is his truth perpetually brightening forth, as the radiance increases from the early dawn till noon. By this Gospel may we know him as fully as we can know him till we see him face to face in heaven; therefore we know that his plan is completed. Neither can there be any higher sign than that which sanctified this last covenant. — Jesus was