Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/134

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as Dean Pennypacker concluded his remarks and mopped his thin white brow with an immense handkerchief.

During the last few moments of the oration, Sheldon had been holding whispered consultations with those about him. When Harold had departed with the exiting mob and was once more on the cinder path outside, he found a group of about twenty grinning Sophomores surrounding him.

"Well, how about that ice cream, 'Speedy'?" Sheldon suggested with a broad grin.

"Oh, I'm a man of my word, you bet," Harold asserted jauntily. "Come on."

He was a little disturbed to see all twenty of the group around him fall in behind himself and the two Sophomore guides. Harold started to walk across the grass, but Sheldon seized his coat sleeve. "Don't walk on the grass. Freshman," he warned. "Not allowed, you know. Got to be a Sophomore to walk on the grass."

Harold, abashed, fell back. The little brigade turned to the right on a path leading down toward the iron gate that was the main exit of the college into University Street. To every group that they passed, Sheldon shouted, "Come on! Ice cream. 'Speedy's' treating."

Harold's party increased in size like a rolling snowball. By the time it had reached the