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ornamental entrance of the Palace, it numbered over thirty. The students were madly cheering Harold and he took it very seriously, like a hero getting his just recognition.

The horde tramped into the Palace and lined up at the fountain. Joe Dugan, the proprietor, famous among all Tatians for his drooping mustaches and his imperturbability, surveyed the new customers with a wary eye. His two colored assistants rolled their optics in surprise.

"Double marshmallow meringue, Joe," called several voices. "Make mine a strawberry frap, Joe," sang out several more.

Harold was disturbed. He had expected them to order ice cream cones. His hand wandered into his pocket. Would he be able to back up his generosity with cold cash?

Joe spoke. He said dryly, "Yeh, and who's going to pay for 'em all?"

Sheldon pushed forward his protégé proudly. "Joseph," the Sophomore said severely, "don't you know that 'Speedy' Lamb never fails to settle his debts of honor? 'Speedy' will pay—with pleasure."

"Who—him?" asked Joe. "You mean the Freshman?"

"Certainly I'll pay," Harold announced loudly, feeling that his newly won and precious popularity was being assailed. "These