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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

RANGE.—Portugal: Several localities (acc. Tavares 1902 and 1928; probably distinct host varieties represented?).

Spain: Several localities (acc. Tavares 1928; probably distinct host varieties represented?).

France: Luynes-Valabre in Bouches-du-Rhône (Guillaud acc. Cotte 1912). Cogolin, Bormes, and Avignon (acc. Cotte 1912).

Italy: Palermo (Stefani acc. Houard 1912:33). Triest (acc. Gräffe 1905). Genoa (acc. Mantero 1906). Verona (acc. Massalongo 1892; also Trotter in Kinsey coll.). Tregnago (acc. Massalongo 1893). Lombardy (acc. Stegagno 1904).

Montenegro (Trotter acc. Darboux and Houard 1907).

Austria: (Mayr, incl. gall in Kinsey coll.). Vienna (Giraud acc. Schenck 1865).

Hungary: near Budapest (Sajo in Kinsey coll.).

Czecho-Slovakia: Bohemia (in Kinsey coll.). Pavlovské (Baudys in Kinsey coll.). Brno and other localities (acc. Bayer 1914).

Roumania (acc. Kieffer 1901).

Bulgaria (Trotter acc. Darboux and Houard 1907).

Asia Minor (Rübsaamen acc. Houard 1908; also H. Bouquet acc. Houard 1913:106).

Africa: northern part (acc. Dalla Torre and Kieffer 1910).

Known thruout Mediterranean Europe and from Asia Minor and Africa; not definitely known north of the Pyrennes or the Alps except in Provence (southern France), Hungary, and Czecho-Slovakia. Replaced in more Central Europe by the variety folii. The records for Asia Minor need re-determination on the basis of bred insect specimens. Figure 16.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Mayr, 1881, Gen. gallenbew. Cynip.:36. Die Form: D. folii Schenck (Nass. Cynip., pag. 57) Mayr, welche ich D. pubescentis nenne und von Geoffroy (Hist, abrég. d.Ins. 1762, T. II, pag. 309, Pl. 15, Fig. 2 mit Ausschluss des Citates) besonders die Galle beschrieben und abgebildet wurde, dürfte wohl nur als Subspecies von D. folii L. zu betrachten sein.

Translation: Schenck's D. folii (cit.), which I am naming D. pubescentis, the gall of which, moreover, was described and figured by Geoffroy (cit.), is probably to be considered only a subspecies of D. folii Linnaeus.

Also Mayr, 1882, Europ. gallenbew. Cynip.:36. Erzeugt kleinere, etwas plattgedrückt-kugelige harte, trockene Blattgallen an Q. pubescens und fliegt im Freien höchst wahrscheinlich zu Ende des Winters (bei Zimmerzucht schon, wie die vorige Art, zu Beginn des Winters) aus. Wahrscheinlich die agame Form von D. flosculi Gir.

Translation: Produces a small, rather comprest, spheroidal, hard, and dull-surfaced leaf gall on Q. pubescens, and emerges most likely at the end of the winter (at the beginning of the winter when bred indoors, just as with the previous species [folii]). Apparently the agamic form of D. flosculi Giraud.