Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/132

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Indiana University Studies

It is not clear that either of the above can be considered as descriptions of the insect in a strict sense nomenclatorially. The first definite description of the insect seems to be in Riedel, 1896, Gallen und Gallwespen: 43. Kopf und Bruststück braunrot und schwarzbraun, Hinterleib schwarzbraun, ebenso die Fühler. Beine und Fühler zottig behaart. Länge: 3–4 mm. Agame Form zu Dryoph. flosculi (s. Nr. 31).

Translation: Head and thorax reddish brown and dark brown, the hind legs dark brown, and the antennae the same color. Legs and antennae hairy. Length 3 to 4 mm. The agamic form of Dryophanta flosculi (cf. No. 31).

TYPES.—5 females in the Vienna Museum (acc. F. Maidl in litt.). Mayr material from southern Austria and labelled "Types of Mitteleurop. Eicheng." also in the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy and in the Kinsey collection. The present re-descriptions are based on the American collections of the type material, and on insects and galls I have from Hungary, Bohemia, Moravia, and Italy, determined by G. Mayr, C. Sajo, P. Eigen, Ed. Baudys, and A. Trotter.

INQUILINES.—Synergus pallicomis Hartig (acc. Mayr-Fitch 1876). Emerges in April and May of the following year.

S. thaumacerus (Dahlman) (acc. Mantero 1906).

S. umbraculus (Olivier) (Magretti acc. Stegagno 1904).

PARASITES.—Bracon aterrimus Ratzeburg (acc. Ratzeburg 1852).

Cecidostiba collaris Thomson (acc. Mayr 1903).

Decatoma biguttata (Swederus). Emerges in May and June of the following year (acc. Mayr 1905).

D. variegata Walker (acc. Mayr 1905).

Eupelmus urozonus Dalman (acc. Ruschka 1920).

Eurytoma rosae Nees. Emerges from November of the same year to June of the following year (acc. Mayr 1878).

E. setigera Mayr. Emerges in the following January (acc. Mayr 1878).

Mesopolobus fasciiventris Westwood (acc. Mayr 1903). Emerges in November of the same year.

Olinx trilineatus Mayr (acc. Fahringer 1921).

Ormyrus punctiger Westwood (acc. Mayr 1904).

O. tubulosus (Fonscolombe) (acc. Kieffer 1901). Emerges in June of the following year (acc. Mayr 1904).

Orthostigma gallarum Ratzeburg (acc. Ratzeburg 1852).

Porizon claviventris Ratzeburg (acc. Ratzeburg 1852).

Pteromalus incrassatus Ratzeburg (acc. Mayr 1903). Emerges in September of the same year.

Syntomaspis lazulina Förster. Emerges in May and June of the following and also the next year (acc. Mayr 1874).

Torymus abdominalis Boheman (= T. cyniphidum Ratzeburg). Emerges in March of the following year (acc. Ratzeburg 1852 and Mayr 1874).