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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

Marcellia 8:154. Riedel, 1910, Gallen und Gallwespen: 24, 45, 81, 90, 94, pl. 4 fig. 35, 35a. Bayer, 1910, Marcellia 9:94, 100. Noury, 1911, Bull. Soc. Sei. Nat. Rouen 1911: 142. Küster, 1911, Gallen der Pflanzen: 389. Schulz, 1911, Festschr. Ver. Cassel 1911: 159. Dieroff, 1911, Bericht, ent. Vereins Lepid. 30:39. Swanton, 1912, Brit. Plant-galls: 32, 171. Henriksen, 1914, Ent. Meddel. 10:98. Ruschka, 1920, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 70:238, 289.

Cynips (Dryophanta) agama Kaltenbach, 1874, Pflanzenfeinde: 791. Karsch, 1883, Die Insektenwelt: 214.

Cécidie 73 Darboux and Houard, 1907, Galles de Cynipides: 241, pl. 22 fig. 4-6 (⊕) [NOT page 240, pl. 22 fig. 9, 10]. Brandza, 1914, Zoocecid. Romania: 48.

Diplolepis agama Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910, Das Tierreich 24:343, 352, 624, 625, 783, 789, fig. 70, 71 (♀, ⊕). Houard, 1912, Marcellia 11:110. Borcea, 1912, Zoocecid. România: 78. Cotte, 1912, Galles de Provence: 181, 194. Bayer, 1914, Moravské Hâlky: 77. Kieffer, 1914, Schröder Ins. Mitteleuropas 3 (3):31, 46, 63, 69, pl. 1 fig. 11, 12. Hedicke, 1915, Zeit. Insektenbiol. 11:118. Ross, 1916, Pflanzengallen Bayerns: 67. Henrich, 1916, Verh. Siebenbürg. Ver. Hermannstadt 66:103. Baudys, 1916, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 66:81. Houard, 1919, Marcellia 16:131. Houard, 1919, Marcellia 17:12. Houard, 1922, Zoocécid. Afrique, etc. 1:102, (133, 136?). Houard, 1922, Marcellia 18:8. Houard, 1922, Marcellia 19:51. Houard, 1922, Marcellia 19:78. Baudys, 1925, Publ. Inst. Phytopath. Brno 39:26, 28. Baudys, 1926, Bull. École Super. Brno C 7:38, 42. Baudys, 1926, Bull. École Super. Brno C 8:13. Jaap, 1927: 177, 178. Ross and Hedicke, 1927, Pflanzengallen Mit.- und Nordeuropas: 229. Bischoff, 1927, Biol. Hymen.: 119. Tavares, 1928, Broteria 25:46, pl. 3 fig. 23 (in part).

FEMALE.—The insect bright red rufous and rufo-piceous, the head hardly narrower than the rather slender thorax; the mesonotum in part punctate and hairy, with a fair sized smooth, naked, and shining area between and just lateral to the parapsidal grooves especially posteriorly; the anterior parallel and lateral lines not prominent; the mesopleuron with a naked spot and band which is larger than in Cynips divisa divisa; the abdomen not more than half again as long as high, with the second segment reaching not more than three-quarters of the way to the tip of the abdomen dorsally; the tip of the second abscissa of the radius hardly at all enlarged; length 2.0 to 3.2 mm., the insect distinctly smaller than agama or disticha. Figures 85, 104.

GALL.—Similar to those of divisa and disticha, spherical, ellipsoidal, or egg-shaped, more often ellipsoidal, not always regular, distorting a bit on drying; up to 4.0 mm. in its longest axis; the surface often irregularly set with blunt protruberances; at first light yellow or tinged with red, becoming light straw brown in color. The larval cell 3.0 mm. or more in length, occupying most of the gall, the spongy filling of the gall therefore much reduced, the cell barely distinct, wholly inseparable, sometimes connecting directly with the outer wall of the gall. Attached