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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

Dryophanta disticha Kieffer, 1901, André Hymén. Europe 7 (1):85, 100, 639, pl. 21 fig. 19, 19a (records for Spain and Portugal, on Q. coccifera, Q. lusitanica, Q. faginea, Q. ilex, Q. suber only). Darboux and Houard, 1901, Zoocécid Europe: 294, 308. Darboux and Houard, 1902, Zoocécid. Hilfsbuch: 38, 40. Tavares, 1902, Rev. Sei. Nat. S. Fiel 1:115 (Portugal). Houard, 1908, Zoocécid. Europe 1:285, 298, 313, 354.

Diplolepis disticha Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910, Das Tierreich 24:778, 780, 781, 790 (incl. Q. mirbecki). Hedicke, 1915, Sitz. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915: 260 (Q. lanuginosa Hentzei and Q. lusitanica in Dahlemer Bot. Gartens). Tavares, 1928, Broteria 25:24, fig. 36, pl. 3 fig. 6, 8, 9 (records for Portugal and Spain, on Q. Robur, Q. pedunculata, and Q. lusitanica).

Weidel (1911) gives a detailed account of the histology of the gall of disticha, stating that Lacaze-Duthiers (1853) and Küstenmacher (1894) had also studied this gall structure. In my own analysis of Lacaze-Duthiers' paper I question whether precise determinations may be made of the material with which this early author worked.

In Darboux and Houard's publication (1907) of Giraud's Galles de Cynipides, figures 9 and 10 on plate 22 are good illustrations of galls of disticha, altho they were erroneously labelled Cynips agama. Bayer (1908) has pointed out this error and Houard (1908) has confirmed this interpretation.

I suggest that the Réaumur references (Réaumur 1737, Mém. Ins. 3:416, 440, 445, 447, 448, pl. 35 figs. 3, 4) given by several European authors are not interpretable with any certainty as Cynips divisa, C. agama, or C. disticha.

Cynips (Cynips) cornifex (Kollar) Hartig

agamic form

Figures 21, 87, 106, 119, 138, 139

Cynips carnifex (laps!) Kollar in Hartig, 1843, Germar Ent. Zeit. 4: 406 (♀, ⊕). Taschenberg, 1866, Hymen. Deutschl.: 144.

Dryophanta cornifex Mayr, 1871, Mittleurop. Eichen-gallen: 38, pl. 5 fig. 54 (⊕). Mayr, 1872, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 22:689, 710. Mayr-Fitch, 1876, The Ent. 9:172, fig. 54. Mayr, 1878, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 28:319. Mayr, 1881, Gen. gallenbew. Cynip.: 36. Mayr, 1882, Europ. gallenbew. Cynip.: 36 (♀). Wachtl, 1886, Wiener Ent. Zeit. 5:307. Schlechtendal, 1890, Jahresb. Ver. Zwickau 1890: 33. Massalongo, 1892, Atti Congresso bot. Internaz. 1892:31. Massalongo, 1893, Galle nella Flora Italica: 194, pl. 30 fig. 7. Camer-