Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/182

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Indiana University Studies

on, 1893, Brit. Phytoph. Hymen. 4:67, 121. Riley, 1895, Science n.s. 1:463. Dalla Torre, 1898, Cat. Hymen. 5:283, 294, 342. Kieffer, 1899, 111. Zeit. Ent. 4: exc. 4, 5, 8. Kieffer, 1901, André Hymén. Europe 7 (1):122, 636, pl. 24 fig. 4, 4a (♀, ⊕). Kieffer, 1901, Ann. Soc. Ent. France 1901:443. Darboux and Houard, 1901, Zoocécid. Europe: 344, fig. 621. Darboux and Houard, 1902, Zoocécid. Hilfsbuch: 41. Houard, 1902, Marcellia 1:45. Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1902, Gen. Ins. Hymen. Cynip.: 52. Kieffer, 1903, André Hymén. Europe 7 (2):679. Mayr, 1903, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 53:397. Mayr, 1904, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 54: 578. Trotter and Cecconi, 1904, Marcellia 3:80. Mayr, 1905, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 55:538. Gräffe, 1905, Boll. Soc. Nat. Triest 23:32, pl. 2 fig. 4. Cobelli, 1905, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 55: 599. Massalongo acc. Mantero, 1906, Ann. Mus. Nat. Genova (3) 2:447, 463. Darboux and Houard, 1907, Galles de Cynipides :246, pl. 16 fig. 1 (⊕). Connold, 1908, Brit. Oak Galls: 157. Houard, 1908, Zoocécid. Europe 1:258, 313, fig. 424. Houard, 1909, Marcellia 8:71. Ruschka, 1920, Verh. zoo.-bot. Ges. Wien 70:238, 285, 289.

Cynips cornifex Kaltenbach, 1874, Pflanzenfeinde: 669, 792.

Dryophanta camifex Dalla Torre, 1893, Cat. Hymen. 2:48. Riedel, 1896, Gallen und Gallwespen: 43.

Diplolepis cornifex Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910, Das Tierreich 24:344, 353, 624, 762, 779, 783, 786, fig. 72, 73 A (♀, ⊕). Cotte, 1912, Galles de Provence: XLVI, 196. Houard, 1912, Marcellia 11:33, 111. Houard, 1914, Marcellia 13:26. Houard, 1919, Marcellia 16:130. Houard, 1919, Marcellia 17:11. Houard, 1922, Zoocécid. Afrique 1:119. Houard, 1922, Marcellia 19:79. Ross and Hedicke, 1927, Pflanzengallen Mit.- und Nordeuropas: 230. Tavares, 1928, Broteria 25:49, fig. 43, pl. 3 fig. 17.

FEMALE.—The insect largely brownish rufous with a little piceous to black; the head almost as wide as the rather slender thorax; the mesonotum largely smooth, shining, and naked, very scantily hairy anteriorly and laterally; the anterior parallel and lateral lines barely indicated; the mesopleuron punctate and hairy with a large, smooth and naked area above the center; the abdomen nearly twice as long as high, strongly produced, but the tip of the second segment reaching not more than two-thirds of the way to the tip of the abdomen; the tip of the second abscissa of the radius neither bent nor enlarged; the length 1.8 to 3.0 mm. Figures 87, 106.

GALL.—A separable, horn-shaped, or stout club-shaped, reddish cone, attached to the under surfaces of a leaf. The cone long, slender, up to 20. mm. in length and 2.0 mm. in diameter, with the low base expanding to 3.0 mm. in diameter; the cone not wholly regular, more or less curved toward the tip, occasionally twisted more than 90°; the surface smooth, shining, and naked; green when fresh, becoming yellow brown or often reddish brown. The outer shell rather thin; internally with some compact, spongy fibers, but most of the interior taken up

by an inseparable, elongate larval cell which may be up to 3.5 mm. in