Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/492

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Indiana University Studies
  7b. The agamic female bright rufous and black, with the foveal groove slightly rugose; bisexual female with basal segments of antennae yellow or rufous yellow, always with continuous parapsidal grooves.7c
    The agamic female dark rufous and black to mostly black, with the foveal groove smooth or finely rugose; bisexual female (where known) with basal segments of antennae rufous yellow (with parapsidal grooves indistinct anteriorly) or blackish (with continuous grooves).7d
  7c. Agamic female indistinguishable from var. echinus; bisexual female with two basal segments of antennae yellow, the scutellum rather smooth; agamic gall squash-shaped; Q. lobata, central Calif.var. douglasii
    Agamic female indistinguishable from var. douglasii; bisexual female with four or five basal segments of antennae rufous yellow; agamic galls spherical with many spines; Q. Douglasii, central Calif.var. echinus
  7d. The agamic female largely dark rufous; bisexual female with antennae rufous yellow basally, parapsidal grooves indistinct anteriorly, scutellum roughly rugose; agamic galls deep bowlor vase-shaped; Q. durata, Q. dumosa; Lake Co. and adjacent Calif.var. schulthessae
    The agamic female very dark rufous and black; bisexual female (where known) with antennae brownish black basally, parapsidal grooves continuous, scutellum distinctly smoothed; agamic galls cushion-shaped or spherical with many spines.7e
  7e. Foveal groove of agamic female usually smooth at bottom, patches in discoidal cell faint; bisexual female with antennae brownish black basally; galls spherical with many spines; Q. Douglasii; Lake Co. and adjacent Calif.var. vicina
    Foveal groove of agamic female sparingly rugose at bottom, patches in discoidal cell distinct; bisexual form not known; galls cushion-shaped; Q. dumosa; San Bernardino area, Calif.var. mista
8. Wings full length or reduced to 0.52 or less of body length; galls small, elongate club-shaped; on all Pacific Coast white oaks except Q. chrysolepis and var.C. teres, 8A
  8A. Thorax and abdomen of normal size, wings long; galls slender, the stalk twice the length of the swollen tip; Q. lobata; Central Valley of Calif.var. clavuloides
    Thorax reduced, dark rufous, hypopygium and legs dark brownish rufous, wings 0.52 of body length, showing bases of veins