Page:The Gall Wasp Genus Cynips.pdf/493

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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips

distal to areolet; galls short, with a short stalk; Q. dumosa, Q. durata; Lake Co. area of Calif.var. hildebrandae

    Thorax reduced, abdomen enlarged, wings short; galls short, the stalk hardly as long as the swollen tip; Q. garryana; Sierras, no. Calif., and Ore.var. teres
  Wings reduced to about 0.80 of body length; galls flattened discshaped, deep bowl-shaped, or pouch-shaped; Q. chrysolepis; Ore., Calif., So. Ariz.C. guadaloupensis, 8a
  8a. Abdomen smooth and without aciculation; galls disc- or pouchshaped.8b
    Abdomen with scattered aciculation on segments three to six; mature galls deep bowl-shaped; so. Calif, mts.var. patelloides
  8b. Mesopleuron with shining, naked spot dorsally; galls pouchshaped; San Jacinto Mts.var. insolens
    Mesopleuron entirely punctate and hairy; galls flattened discshaped.var. guadaloupensis


9. Dorsal projections of the hypopygial spine well developed (fig. 217-220), but not as long as in the next. Galls on the leaf vein, petiole, or stem; Q. lobata, Q. Douglasii.10
Dorsal projections of the spine unusually long (fig. 221-224); head rather distinctly narrower than the thorax; galls confined to the leaf veins; Q. garryana, Q. dumosa, Q. durata, and forms of these oaks.11
10. Insect hardly distinguishable from the next (multipunctata), with never more than a very few spots in the discoidal cell; the surface of the gall very irregular with distorted ridges and blunt spines, the gall internally solid; Q. lobata; Mendocino-Lake County area of Calif.C. heldae
Insect hardly distinguishable from the above (heldae), sometimes with numerous spots in the discoidal cell; the gall spherical, all but microscopically smooth, internally with compacted, sometimes solid masses of fibers; Q. lobata, Q. Douglasii; Great Valley of California.

C. multipunctata, 10a

10a. Scutellum anteriorly finely rugose, wing veins not heavy, tip of radius of moderate size, cubital cell not heavily spotted, the spots not fusing, radial cell nearly unspotted; mature galls brown, nearly smooth and naked; Central Calif.; on the leaves, petioles, and young twigs; Q. lobata.

var. conspicua