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Vol. I.
Poetical Essays for JANUARY, 1731.

An Epitaph on Mrs. Oldfield.

Hic Juxta requiescit,Tot inter poetarum laudata nomina,ANNA OLDFIELD,Nec ipsa minore laude digna,Quippe quæ eorum operaIn scenam quoties prodivit,Illustravit semper, & nobilitavit.Nunquam ingenium idem ad partes diversissimasHabilius suit.Ita tamen ut ad singulas.Non facta, sed nata esse videretur.In tragediisFormæ splendor, oris dignitas, incessus majestasTanta vocis suavitate temperabanturUt nemo esset tam agrestis, tam durus spectator,Quin in admirarionem totus raperetur.In comedia autemTanta vis, tam venusta hilaritas, tam curiosa felicitasUt neque sufficerent spectando oculi,Neque plaudendo manus.

English'd thus.

Near this place rests the body of Anne Oldfield, amid so many celebrated Poets, herself not less deserving to be celebrated; for whene'er she trod the stage, her actions always illustrated and ennobled their compositions. Never was one Genius so adapted to the most different parts; she seem'd not made but born for each distinctly. In tragedy her noble presence, elevated speech, and majestic step, temper'd with so peculiar a sweetness of voice, never fail'd to transport the most rustic and insensible into admiration. In comedy she discover'd such a winning air, such a sprightly and becoming gayety, and so happy an address, that neither eyes were satisfied with seeing her, nor hands weary of applauding.


Fashion'd alike by nature and by art,To please, engage, and int'rest ev'ry heart:In publick life, by all who saw, approv'dIn private life, by all who knew her lov'd.


OLDFIELD lies here retir'd, undrest,The curtain drawn, her part is done;Ye that remain to act your best,Must also make your exit soon;How happy then, if worthy praise,Ye can such lasting plaudits raise!


EXITAnna Oldfield;Valete & plaudite.


Hic jacet Anna Oldfield.Jam mea preacta est,Mox vestra agetur fabula.Vos valete & plaudite.

Mrs. B-rb-r, to Mrs. C--s-r, at Bath.

WHen lately you invited me,With Carteret I din'd;And in return, most gen'rouslyTo Onslow I resign'd.
On Opportunity we seize,For search the Nation round,Such Commoners and Peers as theseAre rarely to be found.
Our Situation chang'd, you seeHow pleasure fleets away;But yesterday you envy'd me,I envy you to day.

EPIGRAM on a LADY, stung by a BEE.

To heal the wound the Bee had madeupon my Delia's face,Its honey to the wound she laid,and bid me kiss the place.
Pleas'd I obey'd, and from the woundsuck'd both the sweet and smart:The honey on my lips I found,the sting went thro' my heart.
