Monthly Intelligencer.
JANUARY, 1731.
Friday, January 1.
THEIR Majesties received the compliments of the Nobility for the New Year; among the rest, of the Lord Carteret, who was graciously receiv'd.
At the same time the Ode for the Day, compos'd by Colly Cibber, Esq; Poet-laureat, was perform'd; the Mufick by Mr. Eccles, and the vocal by Mr Hughs, Mr. Gates, &c. [See the said Ode, p. 20, and Remarks on it, p. 10, 11.]
Forty mathematical Boys, educated in Christ's Hospital, in the school founded by K. C. II. were, according to annual Cuftom, presented to his Majesty.
His Majesty order'd 30 l. per. Ann. to be paid out of the Treasury towards the support of the Poor of the Parish of St. Mary le Strand.
Saturday, Jan. 2.
Great talk of an Experiment to be made on Charles Ray in Newgate, a Malefactor repriev'd on that Occasion. It was said to be in order to discover whether Deafness is not to be cured by purging. The Tympanum was to be cut by an Instrument, in order to demonstrate whether the Hearing proceeds from the Tympanum, or the Nerves that lie between that and the Conceptor of the Ear; it being the Opinion of some that Deafness is principally occasion'd by Obstructions in the said Nerves, See p. 10, 18, 19.
Geo. Burrington, Esq; Gov. of North Carolina, set out to embark for his Government.
Sunday, Jan. 3.
Dr. Greenwood, newly appointed Chaplain, preached before their Majesties, the Pr. of Wales, and three eldest Princesses, at the Chapel-royal at St. James's; the Nobility attended in their Robes and Collars, and the Duke of Dorset Lord Lieut. of Ireland carried the Sword of State.
Monday, Jan. 4.
The Lady Chaplin, Relict of Sir John Chaplin, of Tathwel in Lincolnshire, Bar. brought to bed of a Daughter. This Lady had a Writ de Ventre inspiciendo issued against her some Months ago, by the Heirs at Law; and by her nor having an Heir Male, 3000 l. per. ann. descends with the Title to Thomas Chaplin, Esq; and an Estate of about 2000 l. per. ann. to Sir John's two Sisters, after a 3d Share to Mrs. Chaplin.
Advice came of 3 Incendiaries, or as there call'd, Bristol Firemen, being taken up at Barnstaple, and conducted to Exeter Gaol. One was handsomely dress'd, and had a considerable Sum about him.
Two Hundred Recruits sent from the Savoy, to reinforce the Garrisons of Gibraltar and Port Mahon.
Tuesday, Jan. 5.
The Corpse of the late Earl of Delerain was a few Nights since privately interr'd at Leadwell in Oxfordshire.
Wednesday, Jan. 6.
This being Twelfth-day, his Majesty, the Prince of Wales, and the Kts Companions of the Garter, Thistle, and Bath, appeared in the Collars of their respective Orders. Their Majesties, the Prince of Wales, and three eldest Princesses, preceded by the Heralds, &c. went to the Chapel-royal, and heard Divine Service. The D. of Man-chester