sustain'd, particularly in the fine branches lopt from that crown, by securing to one of her Infantes the uncertain hope of two successions.
The catholick king and his allies do not undertake or ask any thing that the Imperial court has juft reason to complain of.
The reasons alledg'd by the Imperialists for their complaints are, that an alteration had been made in one single article of the quadruple alliance, which set forth the manner of securing to the Infante of Spain the eventual succession which had been promis'd him. But,
1. This alteration is of no great importance, because the 6000 neutral troops which by the treaty of London were to be garrison'd in Tufcany and Parma, by the treaty of Seville are only turn'd into Spaniards, which are in some sort made neutral by being discharg'd from the oath to their sovereign, and made to take an oath to the Great Duke, and Duke of Parma.
2. This alteration does no prejudice to the Emperor, or threaten him with any hereafter, because his strict and religous observation of treaties will not suffer him to oppose the Infante's promis'd succession; nor will the bona fide of the king of Spain let him employ his 6000 Spaniards on any design but what is stipulated by the treaty of Seville.
3. This alteration was not made without substantial reasons. The Imperialists always opposed the motion for putting Spaniards in garrison in the towns of Tuscany and Parma; and were averse even to the admission of neutral troops; upon which the allies passed the 4th article of the treaty of Seville.
This article was the subject of the late Negotiations. The resolution of the Imperial court to admit of no deviation from the treaty of Quadruple alliance; and that of the court of Spain never to consent to any alteration in the treaty of Seville, occasion'd the preparations for war all the last summer, but ended in preparations offensive and defensive, and were kept from breaking into action by the thread of negotiation; and the opening of this scene is reserved for the year we are now entering upon; but hitherto Things remain in the same situation, Jan. 30.
Constantinople. Since the great revolution made here by the Janizaries in cutting to pieces the late Vizier, Capigi Aga, Capt Bashaw, and Mufti, &c. and afterwards deposing Sultan Achmet, and raising the new Sultan (whose father was depos'd in 1703) to the throne; there has been no settled government. For upon divers pretences these tumultuous rebels were frequently up in arms, demanding several new regulations; particularly the promoting of their favourites, and the removal or death of those who were obnoxious to 'em. All which was comply'd with in order to appease them: But this procedure not satisfying them, and they still continuing mutinous, the Grand Segnior under pretence of holding a general council, got the chief of 'em into his palace, cut 'em all off with their servants; and about 7000 of their followers were strangled, to the great joy of this city; these rebellious people grew so insolent, as to tax families what sums they pleas'd, and even to plunder in the street: But now every thing is reduc'd to the old Ottoman rules of government.
Moscow, Jan. 8. Advices from Derbent fay, that the princes of Georgia passed that place, in their way home much pleased with the honours they have received from this court, and that one of them, who lives near mount Arrarat, had promis'd to send the Empress a relique of Noah's Ark.
Venice, 'Tis currently reported that this republick will equip a squadron of twenty Ships of war, to put to sea early next spring, to watch the motions of the Turks.