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Foreign Affairs for JANUARY, 1731.
Vol. I.

Vienna, Jan. 20. Our hopes of an accommodation with Spain encrease daily.

Paris. New proposals of accommodation are negotiating with Spain and the Emperor; and 'tis thought with a fair prospect of success.

Swisserland, Bern. Provision is making in all the protestant cantons for the reception of a great number of Waldenses, who are depriv'd of their liberties and drove from their habitations, by their sovereign the duke of Savoy.

Vienna. There are privately handed about here copies of the Ultimatum (or last proposals) of the allies of Seville, as transmitted hither from Paris; the substance of which is as follows.

1. They would stipulate by a secret article not to oppose the settlement of Succession which the Emperor might make for his Territories in Italy, and which should be freely accepted by the States thereof; and they would engage to guaranty that Settlement.

2. They would stipulate by a secret article, that they could not oppose the advantages of Succession, which the Emperor, with the consent of the different States of Italy, might procure in favour of the archdutchess his daughter; and contribute to maintain what he shall so establish for his daughters, or for any one he shall pitch upon, with regard to his Territories in Italy; and even to guaranty what may be established by the Emperor in consequence of that Settlement.

Seville, Jan. 16. Couriers are continually arriving upon the heels of one another, which occasion frequent councils.

Hague. About the latter end of this month their High Mightinesses wrote a letter to the United Provinces, for the celebration of the 28th of Feb. as a day of solemn thanksgiving, fasting and prayer, which imports in substance, That altho' it has pleas'd God, in his infinite patience and clemency, that we have enjoy'd peace last year, this peace was nevertheless attended with so much uneasiness and difficulty, in relation to the small success of the negotiations set on foot for terminating amicably the differences in Europe, and establishing a general tranquillity, that we are still in a very uncertain and difficult scituation, and have great reason to fear that a war may at last happen, wherein this State may be engag'd, contrary to its inclination: That our apprehension in this respect increases so much the more when we consider, that notwithstanding all the blessings which it hath pleased God to shower down upon our dear Country, the sins and iniquities thereof, far from diminishing, increase daily, to such a degree, that last year horrible, abominable sins appear'd, almost unknown before in this Country; and that we ought to fear, that the patience of the Lord, justly provok'd, ceasing, his Judgments may at last fall upon our dear Country, unless we endeavour to prevent them, by an unfeigned repentance and conversion.FAIRS